THE BLACK HOLE ============== THE SCENE: Alien spacecraft are using hyperspace drive to enter our universe through a black hole. Their intention is destruction. YOUR MISSION: To uphold the defence of your universe as long as possible while inflicting the maximum damage on alien forces. YOUR WEAPONS: Positive and Negative Ion Guns are deadly at any range, but the ion stream is bent by the massive gravitational field of the Black Hole. The Neutron blaster is equally deadly but has only limited range. YOUR BATTLE: You are under constant attack from the alien force which pits fiendish offence craft against you in ever increasing intensity, in deadlier and deadlier form. How long can your fleet of ships survive ? How many enemy craft can you destroy ? INSTRUCTIONS You have a fleet of SIX ships with which to destroy as many enemy craft as possible. You have 4 degrees of control over your ship: Press Z to move LEFT Press SYMBOL SHIFT to move RIGHT Press X to move UP Press M to move DOWN Combinations of these keys can be used to move diagonally. Your ship computer will prevent you from flying into the Black Hole. You have 3 weapons at your disposal: Press C for POSITIVE ION GUN: Unlimited range. Ion stream is deflected upwards by an amount fixed by the relative position of your ship to the Black Hole. Press N for NEGATIVE ION GUN: As above but deflection is downwards. Press CAPS SHIFT for NEUTRON BLASTER: Limited range. Unaffected by the black hole field. Operates in salvos of 3 neutron blasts. Power for you weapons is being continuously drawn from the Black Hole but is depleted every time you shoot. Indiscriminate firing will result in temporary loss of fire power. Points are obtained for destroying enemy craft according to their colour values as displayed on the top keyboard line of your Spectrum. The 'Up' and 'Down' craft take single values, the 'Across' craft takes a double value and the 'Diagonal' craft takes treble values. On the scoreline there are five indications: L = Current level of play N = Number of ships remaining in your fleet P = Power reserves S = Current score H = Current high score Typed in manually by Darren Richardson 5th May 2003