CIRCLES by Darrell Smith If you added up all the time you've spent waiting for your Spectrum to draw circles you'd probably have enough for a long weekend in Margate (although watching the circles would be eminently more satisfying). Darrell Smith has set out to address this problem with his alternative circle-drawing routine which does the job a whole lot faster. Circles now just sort of 'appear', which means you can use them for purposes you'd never previously have bothered with. (Actually I think a similar program appeared in Pitstop ages ago, but I couldn't find it and neither, presumably, will you.) To get it going, type in the Basic (which is mostly a demo and could therefore be discarded) and save it by doing SAVE "Circles" LINE 1035. Then, using the Hex Loader, type in the Hex and save it as "CIRCLE M/C". Reload the whole thing run it and watch the demo. To draw you own circles... POKE 56001, x co-ordinate POKE 56008, y co-ordinate POKE 56015, radius and then RANDOMIZE USR 56000.