CONSTELLATION by Paul Wardle from Your Sinclair #31 (July 1988) [files CONSTELL.*] Whooo-whoo-who-who-whooooooooo! Ahem, er yes! Watching this program brought back memories of Star Trek, a five year mission that lasted yonks, pointed ears (wagga! wagga!), a cocked eyebrow, the unknown but very dead crew member, and the captain's log! As you may've guessed, this routine, courtesy of Paul Wardle, is very star-studded, starry eyed, twinkling (plus any other cliche you can think of with a star in it). He wrote it in answer to my challenge of eons back for a 3D star routine. Not only does this routine scroll stars parallaxly in eight (eight!) directions, but it also has a density, twinkle, colour and window size option. Absolutely fascinating (captain). He's Dead Jim! No he's not, he's just a non-speaking extra! Type in the 36 line Basic proggie and type GO TO 340 to save it. [This is wrong. The machine code has to have been entered first as well, as line 340 saves both. JimG] Then use the Hex Loader to insert the 548 bytes of machine code and save it with SAVE "starcode" CODE 64670,548. Then run the Basic controller. Klingons On The ... You should now have a menu in front of you and four options: 1) CREATE NEW WINDOW - allows you to input the parameters of your star window. The X, Y co-ords refer to the top left-hand corner. DENSITY refers to the number of stars on-screen to a max. of 63. The less dense the faster the routine works. 2) SEE WINDOW - use this option to see the results of your labour. Move the stars with keys 6789 (diagonals included) and 0 will return you to the main menu. 3) SAVE WINDOW - will save your defined window (along with the routine's code) to tape for use in your own programs. The code saved starts a6 64932 and is 603 bytes long. RANDOMIZE USR 64932 will clear the star window; RANDOMIZE USR 65011 will shift the stars in the wanted direction (see table). Repeated calls to this address will make the stars move continuously. To govern the direction of the stars, POKE these values: POKE POKE 65046 65085 DIRECTION with with ------------------------ none 0 0 left 255 0 up-left 255 255 up 0 255 up-right 1 255 right 1 0 down-right 1 1 down 0 1 down-left 255 1 4) LOAD WINDOW - this'll load a previously saved window for inspection or alteration.