Currency conversion If you're going abroad this summer, this program from K J Rider in Kingston is a must! Currency Conversion will store and retrieve the rates of exchange between Stirling and any other currency of a wide range of countries. Keith has used some neat programming techniques to fit it into 16K, one of which is holding the rates of exchange in a REM statement and using the PEEK/POKE functions to store and retrieve it. The program even allows for lucky Microdrive users by using the system variables to get the 1 REM address [which is rare enough - well done]. When first run you will have to use the option to set up each of the exchange rates (these can be found at any bank) and the program will crash if they are not entered before attempting to convert currencies. Countries other than those supplied in the listing may be changed or added to and the following notes will help you to make any adjust- ments. Program details 1 REM statement used to store the currency conver- sion rates 20-30 Strings containing various instructions and information 35 Sets CAPS SHIFT off 40-45 Prints titles 50 String with countries and currencies; modify for other places but watch spacing and positioning. 60-69 Prints Menu 70-80 SAVE or get rate of exchange 90-650 Display routine 1000-15 POKE new rates to place in REM 1500/05 SAVE routines 5000/50 Get new rates routines 6000 DATA of b$ offsets for each country used in printing the correct country and currency in line 90 Bon voyage!