ATTRIB (Plus D disk) by Chris Ridings [There were several errors in the listing. [Line 80 was: [ 80 PRINT " - ";w$(PEEK 50000)+1 [which is invalid syntax. It should be: [ 80 PRINT " - ";w$((PEEK 50000)+1) [as file types start at zero, but subscripts start at one. [Similarly line 110 should be: [ 110 PRINT " - ";w$((PEEK 50256)+1) [Line 90 [ 90 FOR f=50257 TO 50265 [should be: [ 90 FOR f=50257 TO 50266 [as file names are 10 chars long. [Finally, line 270 [ 270 SAVE @1,q,z,50000 [should be: [ 270 SAVE @1,z,q,50000 Chris' program works with the PLUS D disk drive. When up and working, it'll enable you to recover files or hide them from prying siblings. Attrib catalogues both normal and hidden/erased files. Type in the first letter of the filename and answer "y" when it shows your file, and "n" if it doesn't. Get those files sorted!