FRACTAL TRIANGLES by Miles Kinloch Do you remember my request for fractal programs a few issues ago? How utterly lethargic. Well, Miles Kinloch did, and he's sent in this wee proggy which was inspired by something he saw on telly. Fractals can take many forms, but essentially they are all pretty patterns created by repeating a simple rule loads of times. They have the property that no matter how closely you look at them there will always be further levels of complexity for you to zoom in on. They also tend to be self repeating, so any given chunk of fractal will be made up of smaller versions of itself. Something like that anyway. Miles's program generates one of the simplest and better- known patterns. The listing is mostly made up of REMs to let you know what's going on, which means it's shorter than it looks and I don't need to explain it all. Type it in, run it and watch as the pattern slowly appears. Now who's written a Machine Code Mandelbrot generator?