GAUNTLET MAPPER by David McCandless from Your Sinclair 20 (Aug.1987) - "Program Pitstop" [files GAUNTMAP.*] Megawow! If you're a Gauntlet fan, then this is the utility for you. Having slaved along through Gauntlet and it's Deeper Dungeons, it's real nice to be able to get a map of the dam thing. Half the time spent playing the game seems to be flogging down dead end passages, only to turn around and see a Death on your tail! But don't get in a tizzy, 'cos help is on hand! David McCandless has come up with this wacky little program which actually maps each level for you and prints it out on a printer! Included in the program is a headerless save program, residing at address 31011. To use this simply RANDOMIZE USR 31011 and it'll save the Mapper code as a headerless file. There's no "Start Tape And Press Any Key" message, so the tape has to be running before you press ENTER. (For the technically minded, its a natty little routine you might want to use in your own programs. It goes like this: DD 21 B0 77 11 [74 01] 3E FF CD C2 04 C9, where the [bracketed] figures are the length, lo and hi bytes, in that order of course.) Method To use Mapper, simply connect your Spectrum to a printer, and load Mapper1 with LOAD "". Stop the tape and load side 1 of your Gauntlet tape as normal. Once loaded the screen will go blank. Stop the Gauntlet tape and insert your Mapper tape again. Press play and the headerless file will load in. Now the game will continue as normal, but you'll notice some of the character set has been corrupted. Don't worry, this is normal 'cos the Mapper code occupies this area. Now play the game as normal but Pressing 'T' will compress and print the current screen to your printer. Pressing 'R' will return you to the game, but if you haven't got enough time to play, pressing 'Y' will return you to the game, but with all the walls turned into exits for a quick getaway.