THE GODS OF WAR (Zenobi Software) Spectrum 48K/128K+2 Long ago, before the cold spirits of winter scoured the lands, there lived an ancient civilisation, a mighty race with great magical powers. They flew through the air like birds, built vast towers high in the sky and though 'tis only legend, had sailed to the moon. As they grew and prospered, the Ancient Ones, as we now call them, forgot their gods, believing themselves to be more powerful, and turned evermore to the ways of sorcery. This angered the Gods and, under the leadership of Krane, they appeared high in the sky above the cities of the Ancient Ones, where they used their great powers to pound the cities into the ground and vanquish the armies. As a punishment the Gods stripped the Ancient Ones of all their powers, forbidding them to study the arts of sorcery for all time; and then they chose, at random, some of the survivors and transformed them into vile disfigured half-men. These poor creatures would later spawn the race to be known as "MUTTS" and would serve as a constant reminder of the penalties of disobedience. As a final gesture the Gods blew across the lands, their breath whipping up the smoke, ash and dust of battle into a great dark cloud which filled the heavens and blocked out the sun. The world was condemned to a perpetual dusk for half an "Age" before the Gods saw fit to allow the cloud to clear and the sun to shine again. However, all this effort had drained the powers of the Gods and, unable to make the long journey back to the heavens, they chose to entomb themselves ... each God to a single tomb. After the return of the sun the Ancient Ones built many temples in honour of the Gods, each one next to the site of the tomb of a God. But over the years the "MUTTS" had grown strong and they began to seek out these tombs and attempt to discover the power of the Gods. One such tomb was discovered by a "MUTT" searching for ancient remnants of sorcery. This tomb is known as the "Hall Of The Gods" and is presently the headquarters of the High Sorcerer of the "MUTTS". With his knowledge and the contents of the tomb there is every chance that he will be able to bring the power of the Gods to bear upon the "DRUIDS", so you have been chosen to destroy the High Sorcerer and seal the portals of the "Hall Of The Gods" forever ... Make your way to the High Temple at Greenham and do what must be done. Take with you this ancient artefact known as a "hatch key" and make for the Ancient Ones "Way System" ... It is your only hope of success ... Good Luck! NOTES ... This game will accept all the standard commands such as EXAMINE, WEAR, REMOVE, and SEARCH as well as some more unusual ones such as: AGAIN ... This repeats the last command; OOPS ... Goes back one move; CALL ... Will bring a "Way Chariot" to the player's location provided the location is a "Way Station"; REPAIR ... Will allow the player to repair/construct an item provided the player has the correct tools and the knowledge required of them; DATA ... This will display both a graphic and some information on any chosen object. It is also possible to use the word "IT" in place of the last entered noun, as well as to use such phrases as "GET ALL EXCEPT THE RUSTY AXE". Use RAMSAVE and RAMLOAD to store a game to memory, but use SAVE and LOAD to store a more permanent record to tape.