Getting things into order This program is a useful one if you have to sort a list into order, or to produce an index for a book. There are two versions - one for the ZX81 and one for the ZX Spectrum. The programs are by Tim Hartnell. The programs explain themselves as they run. The first, longer listing is for the ZX81. If contains an error- checking routine, so that you can amend entries before making them a final part of the list to be sorted and printed. The Spectrum version does not contain such a routine, but one could easily be added if you so desire, by copying the routine from line 620 in the ZX81 program. [The TZX holds both versions, the Spectrum one as printed and the ZX81, with the SCROLLs converted to PRINT where applicable. Inserting the error-check routine from the latter into the former is left as an exercise for the reader.]