PROGRAM PITSTOP Your Sinclair, January 1993 Christmas comes but once a year, and with it comes a whopping great Jet Set Willy Editor. Take it away, Santa Broadbent! The time has come, Pitstoppers, for me to leave the green fields of Wiltshire, grow my hair long, and prepare myself for four years of abject poverty as I become an undergraduate in that well known urban metropolis, Reading University. But fear not! I may be a few more miles away from Bath, but thanks to the wonders of modern technology (and the Post Office) I'll still be here every month bringing you the best in home-grown entertainment with some startling stuff still on the way (as promised). But anyway, there's still a week to go before I take up permanent residence in the Students' Union bar, and in the meantime, I've got one heck of a Christmas present for you ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JET SET WILLY EDITOR part one by Richard Swann [Apart from some of the lines being joined together, printing PEN instead] [of INK, and an incorrect GOTO at line 1450, I didn't spot any errors in ] [this listing, despite its size. The decimal loader didn't work, however,] [as the first code block loads into the printer buffer at 23296, so the ] [CLEAR a-1 failed with "M RAMTOP no good". I changed it to be: ] [CLEAR a-1 AND a-1>USR 7962 JimG] Dicky has come up trumps once more, earning himself another fifty green ones and continuing his domination of YS. And he really is dominating Pitstop this month, as his "lummocks it's huge" program takes up the lot, even though (gasp) it's only the first part! How To Do It Well, we've got a bit of a surprise for you this month. Note the absence of nasty hex numbers in the listing. Yes! It's goodbye Hex Loader and hello Decimal Loader. To use this program, type in the main Decimal Loader bit and save it to tape. Then type in the data lines for the particular program you're writing and RUN the whole lot, entering the start address for the code when asked. The Decimal Loader will now POKE the data into memory, telling you which line to curse if there's an error. After it's finished, DL will ask you for a filename for the machine code, then save it out. Now type in the main BASIC Editor prog and save it to tape. Nothing to it, really. Get Editing! On to the actual instructions, then. The program you have in front of you is the Block Editor, and with this you can alter the room layouts, names, and where they exit to. Load it in, and when it asks for the JSW tape, load in the main machine code block (called jsw1). Done that? Then you'll be able to see a prompt asking you which screen you want to edit. I imagine a map would be handy at this stage, but just to start you off, the bathroom (where you start) is room number 33. Type in your room number, and up comes a representation of the room, with equal signs for conveyors, apostrophes for stairs and stars for items. And down there at the bottom - see it? - is the lovely little Main Menu. Let's look at the least complicated options first: 2) Choose a new screen to edit - dead easy. 3) File options - the test play option gives you infinite lives, fall forever, Attic Bug removed, and the teleport feature (which we haven't got room to describe), but make sure you've saved your screens before you use it. 1) EDIT - This is the real meat of the program (quoth Dicky), and is similar to the Manic Miner Editor routine. What you'll now see in addition to the room is a little cursor that you can move around using 5, 6, 7 and 8. Below this, you'll see what it is that your cursor is currently pointing at. This may be either C (a conveyor belt), S (stairs), K (an item - otherwise known as a key) or a number, in which case it's referring to one of the following blocks: 0 (air - you can jump through it but can't stand on it), 1 (wall - you can stand on it but you can't jump through it), 2 (water - you can stand on it and jump through it) or 3 (death - touch it and you lose one of your lives). Phew! Having digested that lot, you can then move the cursor around and insert new blocks by pressing 0 (zero), and choosing from the block numbers above. You can define a conveyor belt by pressing C - type the x and y co-ords, the length (0 will make it disappear) and the direction (0=left, 1=right). Move the stairs by pressing S - again, you're asked for the x and y co-ords and the length, but this time the directions are as follows: 0=up/left, 1 up/right. To change the item positions: the items are numbered 0-82 - pressing F on the edit menu shows you which items are in your room, and pressing M lets you move an item to a different room. Then press K to fix the item's co-ords. Screen links - something JSW has that Manic Miner lacked, but here's how to manipulate them to your advantage. In the bottom right hand corner is a sort of compass thing that shows which room you can exit to in each direction. It's possible to exit in any direction from every room, although in the game a lot of the exits are blocked up. If you're in too deep already, you needn't worry about this bit, as the game already has a logical room linking system. If you feel the need, however, just press E and then enter the new room numbers. [The room number "compass" doesn't get updated until the screen is re-displayed. JimG] What could be easier? Right, the very last bit - to change the screen name, press N, and to remove all the nasties, press D. You need to do this if you want to test play your room and you've changed it so that a monster walks into a wall, as nasty things will start to happen. Don't panic, though, you can customise the baddies to your liking in next month's instalment. Finally, press SPACE to get back to the Main Menu. That's it - the Sprite Editor follows in next month's issue! = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = PROGRAM PITSTOP Your Sinclair, February 1993 Tap tap tappity tap! Here's Craig Broadbent. Hurrah! Ah, there you are. I was wondering when you'd show up, being, as I'm sure you are, barely able to contain your excitement about the imminent arrival of the second half of Richard Swann's Really Happening Jet Set Willy Editor. Well you're in luck, cos it's, erm, arrived. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - JET SET WILLY EDITOR part one by Richard Swann [There were a few more dodgy bits in this issue's listings: [* Incorrect checksum in line 170 of the DATA listing (91 instead of 917) [* The usual PEN instead of INK errors. [* CLEAR at the wrong place in line 10 of the Sprite Editor listing. [* The loop at line 400 will never do anything, as it is an ascending loop [ with the start value higher than the end value. However, as this subroutine [ is only supposed to delete the last sprite added at the location, the [ POKE ...,255 after the loop would appear to be all that's needed. [* Incorrect range check at line 610. [* Incorrect GOTO at line 660. [* Incorrect prompt at line 680. Okay sorry to be reduced to a part of Future Publishing's marketing ploy, but in order to type this program in, you re going to have to own a copy of last month's YS. But hey, that's not such a bad thing as not only is YS the best read in the cosmos, but with Part One as well, you'll be able to turn this program into the most versatile editor you've ever seen. You see, this bit, although a separate program, works in conjunction with last month's Block Editor to give you, the reader, a perfectly customised version of the classic game of all time. And isn't that what we all want from life? This is what you do. Type in the BASIC, then save it (SAVE "filename" LINE 1). Then, and this is the tricky bit, load in the CODE you entered with that new-fangled Decimal Loader last month with LOAD "" CODE, and then RESAVE it after this month's BASIC, with SAVE "filename" CODE 23296,256. Okay? Once you've done that, it's back to the Decimal Loader - drag out last month's issue and use it to enter the second lot of code. (Handily marked, Second Lot of Code.) Save it after last month's code on this month's tape (confused yet?) and hey presto - a working copy of the Sprite Editor! Oi can't be workin' this wossname! In that case, my good man, simply refer to these instructions. Load in your newly-created Sprite Editor, and when it asks for the jsw1 file, either load in the original tape, OR your saved levels from last month. Once done, you're back on familiar ground - enter the number of the room you wish to edit, and you'll see a piccy of it with the baddies and their paths both shown. Then it's menu time - options three and four do the same as last month, so I won't go into them, but one and two are radically different: 1) Nasties This lets you edit the moving nasties in each room. The nasties are numbered 1-111, and you can use each nasty once and once only in each room (except number 63, which is reserved for something else). The sub-options here are: c Create (add) a nasty. Type the number of the nasty you want inserted and up he'll pop. No more than seven nasties on one screen, though, please. d Delete the last nasty you added. a Assign a different number to a nasty in the room. You'll be asked which nasty you want to change (1 = first nasty created, 2 = second, etc.) and the new nasty number (1-62, 64-111). e Edit the nasties. In JSW 1, nasties can't move diagonally, so you'll be asked whether you want your nasty to move left/right (0) or up/down (1). Then type in the initial and limit co-ordinates. The initial co-ordinates are the x and y values of where your nasty begins, and the limit co-ordinates are the x OR y values (depending on whether your nasty is going left/right or up/down) that the nasty can move to before turning round and going back. 2) Defining the sprite(s) for that one nasty First you have to enter the initial sprite used, and then the number of animation frames. This may need a little explanation - any nasty that changes its shape as it moves is using several frames of animation and cycling through them. If you want your nasty to, say, smile, then frown, then smile again, and so on, it will need two frames of animation. If you entered 100 as the initial sprite, then 2 for the animation frames required, you'd then have to design your smiley sprite in sprite 100, and your frowning sprite in sprite 101 (there are 168 sprites that you can use altogether). See? Anyway, the last thing is the colour of your sprite, and the colour values correspond to those on the number keys of your keyboard. Incidentally, it's a good idea to make the sprite a different colour from the background colour of the screen so that you can see it.