Keyword Glyn Kendall, Streatham, London SW16. Having recently obtained a proper keyboard for the Spectrum that did not have the legends printed on the keys, and disliking the idea of painting them on, I set about writing a routine to enable the keywords to be typed in letter by letter. This may seem a retrograde step but using the multi-shifted Spectrum I find myself changing things like Symbol Shift Caps Symbol Shift x to get Ink up on the screen. The routine is not interrupt driven so will not tie up computing time, in fact it comes into operation between the time you press enter and the ROM's syntax checker gets at it. THe working section consists of 223 bytes so you only lose about 230 bytes from Basic. Enter the program and Run it, the checks will catch most of the errors and print what line they occurred in. When correct the Program will go into a loop and save itself in case of any undetected errors. [I've omitted this last feature, which is less than helpful under emulation.] When you are satisfied that you have saved enough copies break into the program and New it. Then enter RANDOMIZE USR 31274 This will put the code in the right place and turn it on. Press Enter and you should have a different cursor. If not or the program crashes then Load Basic again and carefully check it against the listing. If it is OK then Enter the header. This must be entered as listed - except for the colour statements - or the computer will crash. [Amusingly, this header was not listed with the article at all! The text below made it possible to create one which works, though.] SAVE "KEYWORD" LINE 1 :SAVE "START" CODE 23300,51 : SAVE "MAIN" CODE 23760,224 This will be the working copy so save it a few times. You can now delete the header. Start is put in the printer buffer because it is only needed once, so you can wipe it out if you want. Do not call Start more than once as it reserves memory for Main each time it is used. To turn it off POKE 23736,168: POKE 23737,16 To turn it back on POKE 23736,208: POKE 23737,92 It is safer if you put these commands on a single line separated by a colon. In fact I insist that you do. Note that the address of a line 1 Rem is no longer 23760. Using keyword; the editor will search for keywords in capitals followed by a space or in certain circumstances non capitals i.e., numeric. If in doubt put a space. Single words like Run or List can be entered direct - no space. E mode and Graphics mode are recognised as is Symbol Shift Caps etc. The only thing missing is the K mode. Anything in quotes is ignored but a Rem line is not. This should not matter as the computer will jump it anyway. Do not forget that words like Goto [sic!] and Gosub [sic!!] need spaces [Sic!!! Did Your Computer's editors ever even *read* the text they "corrected"?] in them to be recognised. [A few notes. The TZX contains first the (reconstructed) header and machine code, and then the machine code loader. You should not need the latter, but you could, if you want, load the system from it. Finally, the system does not work with the Interface 1 attached. It clobbers all over the Microdrive maps and related areas.]