KOSMOS (Atlantis) The 'Skwibbles' have been hunted to the point of extinction by cruel aliens that have colonized the planet 'Kosmos'. Only four of these harmless, fruit-eating mammals now exist and your mission is to rescue them and return them to Earth. There are only two minor problems ... your spaceship crashed on landing ... and the aliens are trying to kill you - now that do you do? [That last phrase doesn't make a lot of sense. JimG] LOADING: To load, press LOAD"". Press PLAY on your cassette recorder. The programme will now load automatically. (The programme is recorded on both sides of the tape. In case of difficulty, turn the tape over, rewind to the beginning and load again.) CONTROLS: Kempston or Sinclair joystick in Port 1 or Keyboard control: O = Left, P = Right, Q = Jump, A = Down (when over Down Exit), Q = Up (when under Up Exit), M = Select command from menu. To access the menu, simply press Down (except when on 'down' exits). GAME: The inhabitants of Kosmos do not take kindly to intruders, so finding a weapon of some sort must be your first priority in this mission to rescue the last four remaining Skwibbles and return with them to the planet Earth. Once rescued, the Skwibbles must be kept alive through- out their journey by feeding them on the various kinds of space fruit that you collect on your travels. Although your spaceship was damaged on landing, you still have enough power to move about the planet. However, you do not have sufficient power to escape its gravitational pull and make your way to safety. Space traders will sell you parts of a new spaceship but these can only be assembled at the launch pad. Other objects can be found or bought, some useful - others not. To use any object obtained, you must select 'use' from the menu, followed by the name of the object. Ammunition and oxygen can be replenished but first you must find the "re-fueler". Many locations can only be entered if you have the correct 'Access' or 'I.D.' card. A symbol on the door will give you a clue as to what is required. Tip: Make a map showing [the] location of all rooms, especially the launch pad and re-fueler. Also, don't assume that just because a room is empty or a space trader has nothing to sell, that this will always be the case. Good Luck! The Skwibbles are depending on you to save them from extinction.