Mega-Text by Simon Hobbs from Your Sinclair #21 (Sep.1987 [files MEGATEXT.*] Routines which print text up on your screen in a variety of different sizes are many, whereas programs which handle text in a variety of special effects are few. One such program is this small, but perfectly formed, cluster of routines from Simon Hobbs. In this program, with its attendant demo, you can print text onto the screen in a number of special styles - right slant, left slant, fuzzy, bold, thick, faded, double image and curved. Method Load in the Mega-Text Demo with LOAD "". This will load the demo program, in Basic, which will auto-run and load the machine code. You'll then be presented with an example of each of the various styles available using the Mega text code. You can break into the Basic and examine the listing, which'll tell you most of the information you wish to know about the program. The code is specially sited at 64000 in memory to allow use of UDGs in your programs which use Mega-text. To activate the various functions, you must POKE the following addresses: 64394 = x co-ordinate of text 64395 = y co-ordinate of text 64396 = style of text 64397 = height of text and then you RANDOMIZE USR 64000. To work out the value you have to POKE into the style of text address (64396) this is what you do: Set the appropriate bit of the byte to activate the associated function, and reset it to deactivate the function. The bits for each function are: BIT FUNCTION 0 Right slant italics 1 Fuzzy text 2 Bold text 3 Thick text 4 Faded text 5 Left slant italics 6 Double image text 7 Curved text Bits go from right to left. So if you wanted left slanting, double image text (eur!) you must POKE 64396, BIN 01100000 or in decimal, 96. Or if you wanted fuzzy, curved text, (hooargh!) you'd need to POKE 64396, BIN 10000010 or 130. The text co-ordinate system is the same as a normal PRINT AT statement. If you don't put in any co-ordinates, the program, being foolproof and crash-proof, will simply start where it left off. Basic Program Here's the Basic demo program. Type it in and save it with SAVE "TEXT DEMO" LINE 10, saving it on the front end of a blank tape. Hex Loader Type in this Hex Loader and save it to a separate tape for future use, then run it and type the following Hex Dumps into it. Just type in the figures between the ":" sign and the "=" sign. The figure after the "=" sign is the Checksum. At the beginning you'll be asked for the Start Address and Length. This is the address in memory where the code will be loaded, and the length is how many addresses after that the program takes up. These figures are given at the beginning of the dumps. To stop typing input an 'S'. Hex Dump Here's the machine code, listed here as a hex dump. The start address = 64000 and the length = 398. Save it as SAVE "TEXTCODE" CODE 64000, 398, making sure it follows the Basic program on tape.