Microdrive catalogue Per Arne Jenseen[sic], Aalesund, Norway. The program for the ZX 16/48K Spectrum generates a list of programs on a Microdrive cartridge together with the usual information from the CAT command. It also helps you to load and erase programs on your cartridge plus some more functions. Saved on Microdrive cartridge The program should be saved on a cartridge like this: SAVE *"m";1;"run" LINE 1: OPEN #4;"m";1; CHR$ 0+"cat": CAT #4: CLOSE #4 [This has already been done on the .mdr on which this program is supplied, but must be done again for every other .mdr you want to use it on.] Type NEW and then RUN. The program will then autoload and give you the opportunity to use your Microdrive with a minimum of effort. You will be presented with a list of programs on the cartridge. Pressing the symbol in front of each program name will automatically load it. If the name ends with a full stop, the program will believe it's a block of code, and will ask you for a CLEAR address. This can be skipped by pressing the ENTER key. The program will then not NEW itself, thus preserving the code block. If you want to delete a program, press delete and the program symbol on the list. The program will then be erased. You can operate more than one Microdrive by pressing ENTER. A prompt will appear at the bottom of the screen to tell you when you can do this. Caps+6 will bring you back to drive 1. To add a program to the cartridge, save the program as normal. Then type NEW and RUN. Press EDIT and the new program will be handled by the program. You can also use the EDIT after doing a normal ERASE from Basic, as the program will believe the other program is still on the cartridge. You can scroll the list If the cartridge is very full and the list is long, then you can scroll the list by using ENTER and Caps+7. The program must be held in Microdrive 1. To use other drives you must create a cat file on the other cartridge. This is done by the same procedure described, but canceling the SAVEing. Use drive 1 when doing this. If you do this you can have my program on one cartridge only and cat files on all the others. [ This program includes a small machine code routine in a REM statement. The listing instructs the user to first load the machine code into the REM, and then to delete the loader lines. On the .mdr, the program with the machine code not loaded and the loader lines present has been provided as "catclean"; the working version, with machine code in place and those lines removed, has been saved both as "Catalogue" and, as described above, as "run". I've also provided a few trivial sample files, so that there is something to load from the catalogue beside the catalogue itself. RLB, September 2012 ]