Program Scanner Don Scarrott, Workington, Cumbria. When debugging a program, you often need to know where and how a particular variable is used. It is very difficult to be sure you have identified every occurrence yourself, so I tried to write a Basic program to do the search for me. It worked, but was dreadfully slow, taking some 10 minutes to scan a long program. This machine-code version is much shorter, and is as fast as the normal listing. It scans the program lines, skipping REM and DATA lines, rushing past anything between quotes, jumping over the embedded numbers, converting upper to lower case, and comparising names to what you have placed in z$. If they match, that line is printed. The machine code is located at 63929 with a length of 291. To use it you merely set the variable name into z$, and RANDOMIZE USR 63929. It will then list all the lines containing that variable on the screen. [We'll skip the program entry instructions - that's been done. Here's how to use the resulting tape (or TZX):] Load your target program, enter MERGE "" and start the prompter tape. Stop it as soon as the Basic part has loaded. Enter GO TO 8692 and start the tape again. When the code has loaded, the Z$ prompt should appear. Enter the variable name of interest, and watch the lines scroll up the screen. If you want hard copy, get out of the loop by deleting the quotes and entering STOP. Then enter OPEN #2,"p" and GO TO 8694 to re-enter the loop.