RAINY DAY ========= Rainy Day was written by the same programming team that wrote 'YOMP'. The program consists of a trio of games which could be played on a rainy day" Each game is challenging and is played against the clock. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS -------------------- The procedure for loading a program into your Spectrum is given in your manual. Please follow these steps for loading a program. 1. Connect the ear socket of the computer to the ear socket of your tape recorder. 2. Set the volume control as per Sinclair manual. 3. Adjust the tone control to maximum. 4. Type LOAD "". 5. Start the tape recorder. The program will RUN automatically once loaded. INSTRUCTIONS ------------ 1. INTRODUCTION --------------- The program consists of three different games - the sort of games that are perfect for a rainy day! The program is compatible with the Currah Speech unit and a number of joystick interfaces. The program can be halted at any time by using the 'H' key and restarted by using the 'S' key. 2. PUZZLE UNIT -------------- The object is to rearrange the picture on the right to look like the picture on the left. You do this by moving the cursor over the piece you want to move. Remeber, you can only move one piece into the space. If the keyboard option has been selected, then use keys 5-8 (cursor control keys). If the keyboard is not selected then you have joystick control. Command Keys Used: KEY Q = Quit and return to menu. KEY 9 = Swap piece (keyboard). F/BUTTON = Swap piece (joystick). 3. CODEBREAKER -------------- The object is to crack the safe code before the clock reaches zero and within 15 attempts. The number of digits in the code and time allowed depends upon the difficulty level selected. You are told how many you have correct in the right place and how many you have correct in the wrong place. If you manage to crack the code, the safe will open. GOOD LUCK! IT'S NOT EASY IN THE TIME ALLOWED. 4. REACTION TESTER ------------------ This game simply tests your reactions to visual movement. The droptime displayed on the screen is in 1/100's of a second. BELOW 18 IS VERY FAST. BELOW 20 IS FAIRLY FAST. BETWEEN 20-25 IS AVERAGE. ABOVE 25 IS SLOW. (c)1984 R. Poole & T. Murray Copies of this recording may only be made for the sole use of the purchaser unless written permission is obtained from the publisher. CASES COMPUTER SIMULATIONS LTD., 14 Langton Way, London SE3 7TL