RING WARS - CASCADE GAMES LTD Controls Kempston Interface Sinclair Joystick port l Keyboard: Q,A,O,P,SPACE Other keys: S - Select (Nav/Weapons) H - Hyperspace ENTER - Next View Z-N - Views (Space) 1 - Main view 2 - Status 3 - Battle Rep. 4 - Weapons 5 - Navigation W - Accelerate (Moonbase) S - Decelerate B - Boosters Shields: Shield strength is shown on left of console. Lazers: Lazer strength is shown on right of console. As the game starts, Alert messages will be flashed on the screen to warn you which planets are under attack from RINGWORLDS. Using NAVIGATION you can HYPERSPACE to a planet and attack the defence drones of the RINGWORLD. Once these have been defeated you zoom inside the RINGWORLD and must fly your ship to the reactor room and release the bomb. A direction pointer and number indicate in what direction and how far you must travel in order to be on course for the reactor room. When setting the bomb timer remember that you must leave enough time for you to escape from the RINGWORLD once the bomb has been released. If you are successful in hitting the reactor the timer will start and you must leave as quickly as possible; however if you miss you must try again. Once you have destroyed the RINGWORLD you may need to re-arm and re-fuel your fighter. These facilities can be found on the many MOONS around each planet. HYPERSPACE to a planet and once there locate the MOONBASE using the direction finder at the bottom right of the console- this flashes red when you are correctly on course. Enter any hangar by its entry port and you will be shown an options menu. Not all moons offer every option; and it may be necessary to find a specific moon to provide a special function especially if your ship develops a fault- which may be fatal if not corrected early enough. As soon as you have destroyed enough RINGWORLDS and the MOTHERSHIP strength -shown on the BATTLE REPORT - is below 20%, the MOTHERSHIP will be displayed on your scanners and you will be able to attack it, destruction of the MOTHERSHIP marks the end of the game.