SON OF MANDELBROT by A.H. Trewartha I'm not going all through what a Mandelbrot set is again - check out issue 47 if you need an explanation (although you'll probably end up none the wiser). This Mandelbrot generator beats all previous ones hollow by virtue of its being written in 100% fabbo Machine Code. It also manages to get around (sort of) the usual lack of colour in these things by using shades of grey. It's a bit tricky to use, so don't whap it in unless you're fairly sure what you're doing. Having entered the painlessly short hex listing using the hex loader, saved it and breathed a sigh of relief, CLEAR 59999 and LOAD "" CODE 60000. Then LET l=USR 60000 followed on the same line by five numbers to define the parameters of the set. An example would be LET l=USR 60000-2-1.2+3.2+2.4+35 (which draws the whole set), where the first two numbers are the coordinates for the bottom left hand corner of the bit you want to plot, the next two are the width and height and the last one is the maximum number of iterations that will be performed on each point. The only thing we're missing now is a routine to easily let you zoom in on parts of the set without having to fiddle about with numbers and things. AH sent one, but it was a bit crap so I'm still looking.