Sound sampler [sic] Sound Master, for the 48K ZX Spectrum, allows you to store sound or speech into the computer's memory and replay it afterwards. But it also allows you to reverse the sound, replay it at eight different speeds, and with varying echoes. The program itself is not very large, about 4K of Basic and 2.5K of machine code, but the enormous chunk of memory used to store the speech - almost 32K for four seconds - caters for 48K users only. The first thing you see when the program has loaded is the blue menu screen. You're presented with ten options, numbered 0-9. They are: 1. Record sound This option allows you to enter sound via a tape recorder or microphone which is attached to the Ear socket of the Spectrum. After about four seconds, an OK message should appear on your screen and the program then returns to the menu. However, if this does not happen then you have entered a wrong hex code between addresses 65025-65052. What this routine does is scan the Ear socket at a rate of 64,512 Hertz, or 64,512 times per second, for a noise. If it receives a noise, a click, it stores a 1 in its memory. If it doesn't, it stores a 0. These 1s and 0s are stored in memory in groups of eight, known as bytes. The analogue sound is digitised. 2. Replay sound This option replays the sound you stored in the computer. It is, in fact, the reverse of option 1. It converts the 1s and 0s from memory to clicks and no-clicks. This reproduces a sound which is quite recognisable. But because of the low speed at which actions take place, and the Spectrum's limited speaker, some ambiguity is unavoid- able. Fantastic, clear sound is produced at a 17 mHertz rate, while ours is produced at 64 kHertz. This is due to the speed of the Z-80 microprocessor found in the Spectrum. It is, in fact, quite a fast eight-bit processor, but for out purposes not fast enough to produce a sound that is free from disturbing noise. Using a Dolby cassette deck would help in filtering out these noises, though. If we wanted a clear, solid sound for four seconds, then we would need a computer with 256 times more memory than the Spectrum, and which runs at least 256 times faster! Perhaps a Cray-1 will do. If you have any problems here, check your bytes between 65053 and 65085. 3. Change speed The program allows you to replay the sound at eight diffe- rent speeds. Speed 1 is superfast - you'll need mega-ears to understand any of it - and speed eight is the slowest. Speed 7 is the one at which sound is always recorded. 4. Disappearing echo It is impossible to do any magic with the Spectrum's sound speaker's volume under software control, so I present you with a disappearing echo instead of a fading one. Echo- steps may be controlled by the user. Echoing is done at the current speed, set at option 3. This is initially 7. 5. Appearing echo Which is, of course, the opposite of option 4. 6. Fastening echo This produces an echo which starts at the current speed and repeats, faster and faster, until it reaches speed 1. If, for example, the current speed is 5, then the speeds at which the program echoes are 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. If the current speed is 8, the speeds are 8, 7, 6, etc. This option has no effect whatsoever on the current speed at which sound is replayed in option 2. 7. Slowing echo The echo starts at the current speed and slows down until it reaches speed 8. Again, this command has no effect on the current sound speed. 8. Load file Use to load a file previously saved using this program. You'll be asked for a filename, but if you can't remember the name of the file you want to load just press ENTER. This command will only accept Sound Master files. 9. Save file When you have successfully sampled sound you may wish to save it to tape. Enter the filename, start the tape recor- ding and then press any key. Remember that 32,258 bytes have to be saved, so saving might take as long as 2.5 minutes. 10. Reverse sound This handy routine reverses the sound stored in the micro. This means, effectively, that if you had a recording in your memory of you saying "computer" then the reversed version would say "retupmoc". Intonation is also reversed. This produces smashing effects. Note that this option does not produce any sound, yet swops bits and bytes around in the computer's memory. This means that every other option, except 1, now operates on reversed sound. If you now save your file and load it back later, you will notice that the sound is still in its reversed form. To restore it to normal, just use option 0 again. Any troubles in reversing your sound? Check your bytes 65108- 65150.