UNLOAD THE CARGO by D.G. Menary [There's a gap in the listing between lines 400 & 422, so I've just] [entered the bit that was left. JimG] Unloading cargo may not seem the most exciting job in the world, but when a helicopter is just waiting to steal the crates you've unloaded, the situation becomes somewhat more interesting! A ship has just docked and you, the man with the trolley, must unload the cargo, one crate at a time, before the helicopter has a chance to steal any. At the end of the pier there is a gun to fire at the helicopter. Sorry, but for every pass of the helicopter you only get three shots - any more and the game would be too easy. Because the helicopter is bigger than you it can carry two crates of cargo to your one. All instructions are explained in the program. For people with issue one SPECTRUM you can change line 130 IF INKEY$="0" to IF IN 61436=254; the rest of the line is the same. Using the IN command enables you to keep your fingers on the key that controls the man with the trolley and fire the gun at the same time. Breakdown of Program Line 3-30 Set up variables. Line 40-95 Set up screen. The only graphics used that are not user defined are graphics capshift 8 and in line 130 E (extended mode) symbol shift and keys Y and U. Line 100-200 Main game loop. Line 210-310 Scores and helicopter explosion, random helicopter appearance. Line 400-440 End of game, high scores update and start game. Line 500-750 User defined graphics. Line 900-970 Instructions. While you read the first screen the user defined graphics are being set up, much better than a PLEASE WAIT on the screen. Line 9990 To save the programme so that it will auto run, as a direct command GOTO 9990 ENTER.