USING VARITALK The words produced by VARITALK are created using phonetic codes entered by typing an upper-case letter followed by a digit. e.g. 'A2' A space should be used to make a pause between words. These codes should be entered into the simple variable T$. Example of the word 'THERE' SOUND PHONETIC CODING TH D2 E A2 RE R1 THERE D2A2R1 To make VARITALK say what is in T$, use RANDOMIZE USR 33600. See table below for explanations of the 52 codes available. SIMPLE EXAMPLE PROGRAM TO MAKE VARITALK SAY: "HELLO MY NAME IS VARITALK" 10 LET T$ = "H1E3L2O1 M1I1 N1A1M1 I2Z1 V1A2R1E1T1A6K1" 20 RANDOMIZE USR 33600 For the best results it is recommended that the Spectrum's own internal loudspeaker be used as, although this-is very quiet, it produces the clearest sound. TABLE OF PHONETIC CODES AVAILABLE FOR VARITALK A1......FATE L2......HELLO A2......BARE M1......MAN A3......FAR N1......MONK A4......CASTLE N2......NEITHER A5......SAT N3......SING A6......PAUSE O1......MOTE B1......BIBLE O2......MORE C1......CHURCH O3......GOT D1......DOG O4......MOON D2......THEN O5......FOOT E1......ME O6......BOY E2......FEAR O7......HOUSE E3......PET P1......PALE E4......HER R1......ROUND F1......FADE S1......SAD G1......GAME S2......SHIP G2......EXAMPLE T1......TABLE H1......HOME T2......THIN H2......LOCH U1......MUTE I1......MINE U2......BUD I2......BID U3......ABSURD J1......JUDGE V1......VALE K1......KING W1......WHEN K2......EXERT Y1......YES K3......QUEEN Z1......ZEBRA L1......LAMP Z2......PLEASURE (SPACE)......PAUSE