Wolfman (c) 1988 CLR Group PLC - Complete Documentation ------------------------------------------------------- WOLFMAN! PART ONE: A GATHERING OF KNOWLEDGE On a gloomy and overcast morning a poor man wakes in his hovel to the sounds of a commotion outside. The villagers are in a frenzy of anger, aroused by the brutal slaying of the mayor's daughter. Some say that it was the work of the devil's disciple, the werewolf, that left her half naked with her throat ripped out. The poor man feels confused and frightened. Suddenly he notices that his hands and cloths are covered in blood, and a vision of half-remembered horror flicks across his mind. His blood chills as the memory of a ghostly howling echoes around his brain. The realisation that he is different from other men sets him off on a trail of learning. A gathering of knowledge about what he is and trying to avoid the pitfalls that man and nature set for him along the way. Nor must he kill without reason again or the battle for his soul could be lost. His travels take him to a strange land where he encounters temptations of the flesh which are almost irresistible, but resist he must if he is to see beautiful Nardia again. During his journey he meets some adversaries who are truly formidable. Only the greatest courage and cunning will let him prevail over the battle with a creature so loathsome that it cannot be described here. Suffice to say that it is a behemoth of awesome appearance and strength, and only those of strong disposition should attempt to do battle with this maggot-infested abomination. PART TWO: THE GIRL A beautiful maiden meets a strange young man in the mountains. Their friendship blossoms into love and they embark on a journey to find a cure for his cursed affliction. She must be careful though, for their love can turn fatally ferocious if she does not quickly learn the dark secrets that can trigger his bestial traits. You begin part two as Nardia, the maiden. She must find out what she can about her new-found friend. Then perhaps, take him home and discover how a friendship can quickly grow into something else. Exactly what, depends on her to a very great extent! If she survives to the following morning you will change roles. Nardia will meet the young man again, but for now they part company. Assuming the role of our friend with the split personality, you will travel into a very dangerous mountain region. Here you will encounter the dreaded Dark Fortress of distant legend. A barbaric, warlike race inhabits this place and they are cruel and totally merciless, so you will need to call on all your skulls of cunning to thwart them. Many heartaches await you in this dark land of terror, but none as great as the terrible news that an old wise man imparts. Your beautiful Nardia has been kidnapped by a band of evil wolf hunters! Rescue and then avenge becomes your only reason for being. PART THREE: THE MONASTERY OF FI SHAN So, the journey continues. The young man must track them down and rescue his beloved. Much has she suffered at the hands of these villains, and how he will make them pay for it! If he can succeed in effecting her rescue, she will reward him in the way that only a lover can (after all she is very pleased to see him!). They travel on, looking for the strange land where, legend has it, resides a secret order of monks. Further, these holy men can attend to obscure and mystic afflictions. It is only a rumour of course, but such is their desperation that they will, indeed must, go to extraordinary lengths to find this place, for their are other evil men on this earth whose desire for the werewolf's skin will force them to defend themselves by whatever means they can devise. Should they live long enough, the great monastery of FI Shan will be their salvation...if it exists of course... GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS LOADING: Shift Run/Stop SAVING PART GAME: Insert blank tape, type SAVE and press return. Type in your game save name and press return. On completion of save you will be returned to your saved position. LOADING SAVED GAME: Load in the main game. Then remove the main game tape and insert your own saved game. Type LOAD and press return. You will be taken to your saved position. SPECIAL COMMANDS AND INSTRUCTIONS For inventory, type INV. Do not expect to fall over every object. You are, after all, exploring an unknown land, so use LOOK, LOOK AROUND, SEARCH ROOM, EXAMINE OBJECT etc. Part one permits simple dialogue between the young man and the girl. To ask a question, start the sentence with SAY. The parser will accept four word commands throughout all parts, but is programmed wherever possible, to respond to two words only. As the character of the werewolf and the girl unfolds throughout the story on a developing theme, I feel that much of the atmosphere would be lost if the parts could be played independently. It is necessary therefore to complete each chapter before being able to continue. So all of you who want to get to the girl in part three will just have to slog through parts one and two won't you! Have fun. Instructions typed in by Paul Thompson, March 2003