WORSE THINGS HAPPEN AT SEA - SILVERSOFT On your first journey you will find your ship in reasonably sound condition; the only small problem being a slighty leaky hull. Under your control, your waterproofed and capable old C-Droid helper grinds from compartment to compartment applying patches to the ever increasing number of leaks. When you complete your journey the profits from selling your cargo will be decreased by the cost of pumping out the hull, the cost of replacing any spoilt cargo, and the cost of buying new C-Droids to replace the ones you've wiped out. The second journey sees you with fresh cargo, and a ship that not only leaks, but also suffers from a tendency to wander off course. Apart from patching the hull, therefore, your C-Droid will also have to return to the wheel occasionally to keep the old tub on course. Watch that course indicator!! On the third journey there's even more to do. LOADING INSTRUCTIONS Loading: Type LOAD "" and press ENTER and the game will run automatically. KEY OPTIONS To select the desired option press the numeric key that corresponds to your choice: Selection No: 1 2 3 4 5 6 LEFT: Q 5 Z O Q 6 RIGHT: W 8 X P W 7 DOWN: E 6 M A L 8 UP: R 7 K Q P 9 DOOR/TAKE: T 0 L M M 0 PUMP/POWER: X 9 A X X M START/RESTART: S HOLD: H FOR EXAMPLE: Option 5 Q - Left W - Right L - Down P - Up X - Recharge Power/Pump Water M - Take/Drop Objects: Open/Close Doors or Hatches NOTE OPTIONS 5 AND 2 CORRESPOND TO THE SINCLAIR AND AGF JOYSTICKS RESPECTIVELY FOR SUPA-STEP PRESS POWER KEY WHILST MOVING HINTS AND TIPS DEPARTMENT: PLAYING THE GAME Try to arrive at your next port of call with the water level inside the ship lower than the water level outside it. Apart from anything else, a dry cargo is worth more than a wet one. Supa-step means that you can get around the top deck quickly, and without opening bulkheads and spreading the flooding. This does tire out the C-Droids though - get back to the recharge chamber from time to time. When the engine starts to overheat, look around for those oilcans! Flooding will spread more quickly if bulkhead doors and hatches are left open. Close them after you pass through! REMEMBER Excess water in the ship's hold: - DAMAGES CARGO - SLOWS THE SHIP - STRAINS THE MOTORS - DRAINS ROBOT POWER - INACTIVATES THE RECHARGE CHAMBER and don't forget... EVEN WORSE THINGS HAPPEN TO SOFTWARE PIRATES