Z88 Forever!

About the Z88
Other Information
General Z88-related sites:
- Dennis Groning's page
With PC PipeDream viewer and lots more
- Z88 Bits
by John Allen
- Z88 Korner
Projects and applications (including Z88 Chess), by Keith Rickard
- Colin Parson's Z88 page
- With details of DIY hardware upgrades for your Z88
- Richard Eby's page
With Z88 filesever for Windows 95/NT
- Z88 Sourcebook
by Timothy Swenson
Z88 Development:
- Z88 Development Kit
Develop software for the Z88 in C, by Dominic Morris
- ZSock
Get the latest version of the wonderful ZSock TCP/IP suite by
Dominic Morris from this site
- Z88 CamelForth on BitBucket
- Fully updated sources for Z88 CamelForth, including ports to the Sinclair ZX Spectrum and PetersPlus Sprinter
- Homepage of R.T. Russell, containing various BBC BASIC resources
- Z80 Processor Home Page
Technical info on the Z80 processor

Maintained by Garry Lancaster
You can contact me by sending an email to my full name (without any space between first and last names), at gmail.com
Last updated 30th May 2016