1. The new Sinclair from Amstrad.
The new Sinclair PC200 was launched at the PC show, although it is unlikely to be seen in the shops until November. It is quite a large machine compared to the Spectrum - 18 inches long and 13 deep - but at least it is BLACK, and has the SINCLAIR logo.
However, that is where the Sinclair family heritage ends. The new computer is as similar to the Spectrum in use as was the ill-fated QL. The PC200 is really an Amstrad PPC512 in a black case and has no real chance of running any Spectrum software, or even making use of data created on the Spectrum.
The new Amstrad (sorry, Sinclair) has a 'proper' IBM-compatible keyboard (with more than twice as many keys at the Spectrum), layed out identically to that on the Amstrad PPC; a single 3.5 inch floppy disk drive, capable of holding up to 720K of data (again as with the Amstrad PPC); a mouse and built-in parallel and serial ports (for connection to printers, modems, etc). A second disk drive can be fitted externally.
The base machine, at #299+VAT, has no display, but has a built-in TV modulator circuit so that a standard colour television can be used. This in almost a revolution in IBM-compatibles, since most other machines require a dedicated monitor for their display.
Unfortunately, this means that the display quality is not good. The display driver is the IBM CGA standard, which is never a clear display - even on 'real' business computers. The much clearer 'MDA' display can only be used with the optional monitor (#100 extra for monochrome, #200 extra for colour).
The PC200 is a true IBM-compatible, running industry standard software programs - there are even two expansion ports. However, I would question the usefulness of these since standard IBM expansion cards are nearly twice the height of the computer! The computer would therefore need to be open permanently, allowing dust and paper clips to cause untold damage. An Amstrad representative said that he knew of no 'extension case' which would cover any fitted expansion cards.
There is also the question of how much spare 'power' is available in the machine for running expansion cards.
The PC200 is obviously designed as an 'Atari-basher', as it is the same price, uses the same disks and has the same memory capacity (512K - which can only be upgraded by using an expansion slot).
continued ...
Looked at in this context alone, the Atari is the better choice. In graphics mode, the Sinclair has only a four colour display (see the purple mountains in the Amstrad brochure) - less even than the Spectrum, and IBM sound facilities are almost as poor as the old spectrum beeps! The Atari has sixteen colours at the equivalent resolution, and has a three channel sound chip. There is quite a lot of IBM software available at launch however, especially as the PC200 uses 'proper' IBM joysticks (unlike the old Amstrad PC1512), but the Atari now has a good software base too.
Where the Sinclair PC200 will be useful is if the owner already uses an IBM compatible - perhaps at work. Since the machine should run all IBM software, a favoured word-processor or spreadsheet can be used at home, in between games playing. The problem is that most Business computers still use the older 5.25 inch floppy disk standard - however, the new 3.5 inch format is quickly establishing itself. The external disk drive can be a 5.25 inch drive if required, though this is really only of use when transferring files. Having incompatible drives on different computers is an annoyance, having them on the same machine is almost impossible!
However, even here the Atari can fight back. There are programs available that will simulate an IBM PC on the Atari machine, so rarely used business software could be used, while still having good games playing capabilities. The PC200 is much faster though, and a good deal more likely to run any program with no incompatibilities.
In conclusion, if you wish to upgrade to a games computer, buy the Atari. If you also want to do some serious work, buy the Sinclair PC200. In either case, keep your Spectrum as games for it are SO much cheaper - there are also still some things that only the Spectrum can do well.
This month has been quite quiet, due in no small part to the (now ended) Postal strike. Although the postal service is now recovering, I have still not received much mail. In particular, the promised review of IMBOS has been postponed - I have received the proper manual, but the program itself is still 'lost in transit'.
Instead, I offer some of my own work! Andrew Baker of Cheshire wrote to me about a Seikosha GP-50S printer that he owns (compatible with the old ZX printer). He asks whether it is compatible with his Spectrum+3.
The short answer is Yes And No! In 48Basic, the Spectrum will properly drive the ZX-type printers (the Alphacom included). This means that listings can normally be obtained, by using SPECTRUM after loading the program, then listing it. However, LPRINT statements and the COPY command are more difficult to do.
The problem is that in +3Basic, the Spectrum tries to drive a 'real' printer, connected to the Parallel or Serial interface. Due to the way that +3Basic is bolted onto 48Basic, it is no easy task to use ZX-type printers from within +3Basic (for one thing, the printer buffer at #5B00 to #5BFF is used for extra system variables).
The program listing ZXPRINT, however, sets up some Machine Code which will drive the ZX/Alphacom/Seikosha printers from within +3Basic. All LLIST and LPRINT statements should work, as should commercial programs which print via channel 3.
The COPY command will still not be usable, however. If enough interest is shown, I will produce a program to drive that too.
To use the program, first key in the ZXPRINT loader program, then SAVE IT - and remove the disk on which it is saved.
NOTE: If your Spectrum is NOT a +3, please type in the following two additional lines :-
FOR X=60087 TO 60102: POKE X,0: NEXT X
FOR X=60136 TO 60146: POKE X,0: NEXT X
Now run the program. RAMTOP will be moved down to make space, and the Machine Code will be poked into memory. Checksums on each line should prevent keying errors, but better safe than sorry - check every line carefully.
If all goes well, the message "ALL OK" will be displayed. At this point, cross fingers etc and type RANDOMISE USR 60000. This will run the initialisation code, which will set up the main routines.
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If the Spectrum does not crash, all well and good. Try an LLIST to test the printer - you did remember to connect it up first, didn't you?
If the Spectrum now crashes, re-check the ZXPRINT listing. If nothing happens - try printing from 48Basic (maybe the printer is faulty). However, with luck, a good listing should be printed. If you are using an original 128K Spectrum, or a +2, make sure that you added the two additional lines, 202 and 204.
For the technical, the code actually works by creating a second printer buffer above the Machine Code. The channel 3 vector is altered to point into the code, so that whenever anything is printed, the code takes control.
What happens now is quite complex. The second printer buffer and the main area (with its system variables) are swapped. Then the normal printer code is executed, and finally the two areas are swapped back.
Much more code is actually required, since any interrupt will try and use the temporarily missing system variables, and crash. In addition, some of the print routines in the Spectrum ROM are 're-entrant' (that is, the printer code is called again, to decode tokens for example) - this is solved in a simple way.
The program was written using DEVPAC (a Machine Code Hackers godsend). A tip for those using it on Spectrums with Multifaces - Having loaded in both MONS and GENS in your favourite addresses, and before loading in any code, save an image using Multiface. On futurs sessions, this image can be loaded in quickly, and without any chance of incorrect addresses being typed.
Any +3 DEVPAC users that has not upgraded to the latest version should seriously consider doing so - having MONS in only 160 bytes of main memory is VERY powerful!
For those keen to find out more about the ZXPRINT program, write and ask for a Machine Code source listing, or disassemble the code. WARNING: Do not try to single-step the code, using DEVPAC. Since it uses the printer buffer system variables, it will be confused (and crash) when the swap takes place ... This I discovered after much pain!
The program ZXPRINT was written and tested on a Spectrum+3, and has also been tested on an orignal 128K Spectrum (thanks, Kevin!). I do not have access to a +2, but the program should work fine (with lines 202 & 204 added). If you own a +2A (if they exist), you may need to omit lines 202 & 204, as for the +3.
WARNING: Do NOT press the break key while printing is occurring. You will almost certainly crash the Spectrum!
continued ...
This month I have also received a copy of The Spectrum Programmer tape-magazine, Issue 3 (August), from Kieran Wood (Hope I spelt that right!).
This tape is put together by Kieran, apparently on his own, and deserves support from the more technically minded readers out there - or, if you are thinking of learning more! It won't tell you anything about playing games, but it will broaden your Spectrums horizons.
The style is generally clear, provided that the (occasional!) spelling mistake can be understood. The magazine (or at least, Issue 3) is a single massive load into any Spectrum, then offering its sections via a menu.
Contents are varied, including example programs with explanations (which may not be detailed enough for complete beginners), as well as more general computer articles.
In Issue 3, Kieran begins a discussion on Artificial Intelligence (a populer topic in 'serious magazines'), and has some interesting points to put over, too.
The magazine needs support to continue (Kieran says that he has under 10 readers currently!), both in buying copies and contributing letters, programs, etc.
One issue, on tape, costs just one pound - write to Kieran at 30 Church St., Barnsley, S.Yorks. SY4 8HZ. Specify which issue you would like a copy of (I am not sure if 'back issues' are available). And try to spell his name correctly!
This month also sees the latest BetaBasic newsletter, number 12. It is particularly worth reading, even if you do not own BetaBasic (though how you get hold of a copy is another matter!). There is a long, interesting and detailed discussion of the Authors attempts to draw animated three-dimensional cubes on the Spectrum screen. The article highlights general programming procedures for carrying out complex processes in a simple manner, as well as giving a (BetaBasic) solution to the problem. There is also a clear description of printer 't' and 'b' channels, for those having problems sending control codes to printers.
continued ...
Finally, the PC Show has now been and gone. There was, unfortunately, little at the Show to interest technical Spectrum users this year - though there were many games! The new Amstrad/Sinclair machine was on show, but this has nothing to offer Spectrum users. Hisoft were out in force, offering all their Spectrum and CP/M programs at discounted prices; Tasman software only has literature of their Spectrum products; and RAM electronics were showing their hardware interfaces - including the DK'tronics range. One representative on their stand spoke of the Spectrum+2A, which apparently is now on the market. This is, basically, a Spectrum+3 without a disk drive, and so is also very incompatible with much Spectrum hardware. If anyone has one of these machines, I would be very interested in hearing from them.
I also spoke to Alexander Goldscheider, director of Romantic Robot, about a version of Genie for the Spectrum+3. They seem to think there is no market for such a product - please write in if you disagree, as I for one would like to see it available.
I have now received some post from Crash, sent 19/9/88. It consists of a single letter, about IBM PC's - not too useful. I have still, however, not got back the original letters & review material sent to me back in August '88. Please could you locate this & have it sent down, so that I can review IMBOS, etc.
As you can see, I have not sent the machine code listing of the program ZXPRINT. There is no point in printing it without a section discussing how it works - and I see no point in writing it if it will not be printed.
If you decide to print the source code too, contact me & I will write the additional text.
I think that it is a shame that the technical section of Crash should not be aimed at the very technical users, but perhaps you are right and there aren't any. Hopefully, some of them (if they do exist) will write in for a copy of the source code, and we can then better judge whether to support them more fully. 'Sinclair User' (sorry, I had to say that) do seem to think that there is a market for machine code ...
Can you explain why the publishing date is such a moving target? Bringing it back earlier and earlier means that there is no chance for me to respond to an article in Crash until at least two months after it is published. If any errors are spotted in, say, the listing (to be Published in Crash November, assumably), I will not be able to print a correction until the January '89 issue!
Have you managed to find any address for Sixword for me? Also, can you discover whether Technology Research still produce the Beta disk interface for the Spectrum?
Can you also get a telephone number for me to contact Micronet (re Romantic Robot)?
Finally, I have been through all the back issues of Crash that I own, and made a list of all the technical articles. I do not, however, have issues 1 to 7, or 9 to 10. Is there any way that copies of these could be obtained (or at least, photocopies of the index and any technical articles)?
I was looking specifically for a review of Devpac. I could not find a full review anywhere, though there was a half-hearted article in the technical supplement (issue 50). Do you think that I should do a full review of Devpac (which I purchased at the PC Show)?
Still not received my Subscription copy of Crash yet ... I await a call from you regarding the above points. Hope this months technical writing is OK.
Ian Cull Bsc.