1. Tape magazines.


Following close on the heels of 'The Spectrum Programmer', I have received another tape-based magazine, Network - this time aimed at users of the MGT Disciple/+D interfaces (and therefore a rival to the 'official' FORMAT magazine).

As yet, I have no access to either of the MGT interfaces (though by the time you read this, the situation may have changed, thanks to MGT). However, a lot of the content of this new magazine is very relevant to all serious Spectrum users.

Issue 1 of Network has a Basic-to-Disk routine, which runs in screen memory so should be able to transfer almost any Basic program. There is, however, no description of its use on my copy. There is also a disk cataloguing program, and an in-depth article on +D hook codes. The descriptions are more like those in a book appendix, however, and need more background in order to be useful to all +D users.

On the general programming front, there is a shape-fill routine, a 'flexitext' program (which writes text in any size and direction, but is written in SLOW Basic) and an attractive circle pattern program.

Finally, and very impressive, is an animator program that smoothly translates the letters 'BBC' into a picture of a TV showing '2'. Someone obviously put a lot of work into this demonstration.

Issue 2 introduces NETFAX, a Prestel-like way of presenting the textual part of the magazine. For those confused, press P to get the initial index up!

The tape-to-Disk routines continue in this issue, along with a tape header reader (not another one!) and an excellent RAMDISC program. This allows a single memory image file on the disc to hold up to 80 files once loaded into the Spectrum.

However, the program is so well written that it will run on any Spectrum (even my +3, in 48Basic mode). The RAMDISC is created in the main 48K of memory, so slightly limits Basic program size that can be written to use it.

NETWORK is very well presented and contains excellent material. At just #1 per issue (or #10 for a years subscription), it seems good value even if you do not own one of MGT's interfaces. To order, contact Barry Turner at 47 Jubilee Crescent, Gravesend, Kent. DA12 4JG.

I have also received a copy of +D Hacker, supplied through INDUG (the 'official' +D/Disciple user group, and writers of the Format magazine mentioned above). I will look into this further once I have access to a +D interface, and hope to compare it with MGT's own equivalent program, Pick-Poke-It.


A rival disc interface to the MGT +D product is that produced by Sixword. This has the capability of running almost any program written for the Sinclair microdrives (a microdrive emulation tape is available as an option). However, some people (including me) have had a lot of trouble contacting them.

So here is the definitive address (as of 14/10/88) :-






I hope to be able to get access to an interface from this company also, and perhaps to compare both with Amstrads own (the +3).

3. Tech Tape response.


A Mr. Simon N. Goodwin (!) has written in, to correct me on Octobers article. The ZIP Break function in his ZIP 2 compiler (on the CRASH Tech Tape) CAN be used for machine code other than that produced by compiled Basic.

To do this, first compile a non-program (e.g. 10 REM). Save the resulting code, then run it. This will install the ZIP Break routine, allowing any other machine code to be stopped at any time.

The routine can only work if the Spectrum interrupts are not altered by the new program, and if the ZIP code is not overwritten (from 53247 to 55200, approx.). My thanks to Simon for that information - Tech Tips has not yet heard the last of him ...


Yes, CRASH is finally able to present a review of IMBOS, seemingly doomed by Postal strikes and publishing deadlines. In the meantime, however, the IMBOS saga has developed a new twist. The original IMBOS, V1.1, is still available from the author (Companion Software), but a new version IMBOS V2, is now available from Kobrahsoft (the company that brought +3 users the DICE program).

IMBOS, Improved Microdrive Basic Operating System, is only of use for Spectrum owners that have the interface one & microdrive system. Upwards of 60 new facilities are added to the Spectrum, in 11K of code (8K if you purchase the old version 1.1).

The first facility of IMBOS to show itself is the vastly improved microdrive command syntax. No more LOAD*"m";1;"filename" entries. Just type RUN"filename" to load a program (also works for CODE & SCREEN$ files), or OUT !"filename" to save. VERIFY and ERASE are similarly simplified. The microdrive number that these commands use is set by READ #x.

A new command, LIST CAT x, gives a different microdrive catalogue, showing protected filenames as well as those shown by the normal CAT. There is also a header reader, accessed by typing READ IN "filename". The files type, and size/start address are given, along with the first sector number of the cartridge.

IMBOS also adds new screen and sound commands, as well as additional graphics routines. The PRINT command is expanded to allow conversion to/from hexadecimal and decimal (for example, PRINT &64206 gives FACE on screen). Screen paper and ink colours can also be simply altered, using PRINT ATTR x.

Other new functions allow specified byte values in the display or attribute file to be changed (this could be used to instantly change the colour of a displayed picture).

Printing of text is improved with a centreing function, and a 'window scroll' routine. There is also a double height print command, for displaying tall characters (not available on V1.1).

On the graphics front, mirroring of the screen is built in (although it mirrors each character wide column, rather than the full screen), and a powerful fill routine is available. New character fonts can be easily defined, since the full character set is held in RAM along with IMBOS - in fact a clear font is supplied on the tape, ready for loading into IMBOS.

Version 2 also offers a 'power plot', which allows drawing on the full screen - including the edit window, and a DRAW command which takes the start & end co-ordinate as argument, and also works over the full screen (but the origin is at top left, which is confusing, and gives upside-down graph plots). Also on offer are scroll commands, for the display file or the attributes, in all four directions.

continued ... ... continued

Sound is well catered for (as far as that is possible on the Spectrum), offering White Noise, Zap and Siren sounds. Version 2 has more Zaps, and a pleasant tone, for music sequences.

Other IMBOS features include a RAM screen store routine (though it is not a compacting one, so only three screens could be held in memory at once), and a 16 bit poke function - *DOKE. Headerless save/load routines are present, as well as various monitor commands, including some to give details of memory usage (program size, free space, etc).

Version 2 also offers a program editing command (so all LPRINT commands could be automatically changed to PRINT ones), and an additional Organ Maker program, for creating tune sequences to be added to your own programs (which I found difficult to use).

In conclusion, IMBOS is a powerful addition to any Spectrum & Interface one set-up, enabling Basic to do many things that normally require machine code. However, since IMBOS is copyright, you could not write a program with it and sell it, or even give a copy to your friends (unless they also own IMBOS).

There are a couple of minor bugs (commands are not recognised if keyed in lowercase, for example). But the program is worth buying. IMBOS version 2 is available from Kobrahsoft, Pleasant View, Hulme Lane, Hulme Near Longton, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs. ST3 5BH for #12.95. Owners of IMBOS V1.1 wishing to upgrade can do so, for #5.95.

Version 1.1 is still available at #8.95 from Companion Software.


For those of you muttering something about not owning an Interface one, Johnathon Edgar at Companion Software has come to your rescue with a package called ExBasic. This will run, it is claimed, on any Spectrum (though only in 48Basic mode on my +3). It gives similar, but improved, facilities to your Spectrum that IMBOS offers Interface one owners.

ExBasic does not, obviously, offer any improved microdrive syntax. But everything else available in IMBOS is built into ExBasic, often in a better way than in its parent package. In addition, there are even more new commands available.

All ExBasic commands begin with an asterisk ('*') followed by the command name keyed in letter by letter. This is an improvement over IMBOS, which is confusingly sometimes letter by letter, and sometimes uses an existing Spectrum Keyword. Commands can be in capitals, or lowercase.

There are a number of 'interrupt-related' commands in ExBasic, including *CLOCK, which displays the current time in the top right of the screen. It is set using *TIME, but is only accurate when interrupts are running (therefore, time is lost when beeps are casette commands are used).

There is also a *TRON command (good film!) which displays the current Basic program line being executed. Also built in are various commands which allow the keyboard to be re-defined (though I can't think of a reason for doing this).

ExBasic has all the IMBOS hex/decimal commands (e.g. *HEX 64206), and the 16bit poke. There is also a string poke command, *WOKE addr,"string". The memory details commands are included, along with *RENUMBER and *REMKILL functions.

The print functions of IMBOS are supplemented with a 'curtain' effect command, which re-draws a RAM-stored screen image slowly, like drawing a blind across the old screen image.

Sound is basically as for IMBOS, with an addition 'boot' sound (?).

ExBasic has the headerless save/load routines, along with an Alkatrax screen loader routine (courtesy of ODPS, though there is no credit to them in the package) - this is the professional system that draws the screen character by character, anywhere you like. Very effective, but slow (18 bytes per character on the screen).

A music maker program is also included, which is easier to use than that with IMBOS.

ExBasic is available at #11.99, from Companion Software, 193 Brampton Rd, Carlisle, Cumbria. CA3 9AX.


Kobrahsoft are continuing to support Spectrum+3 owners. Following on from their DICE system, they have written a Disc Backup program, DB1. This allows non-standard discs (for example, commercial programs) to be backed up so that if the disc is damaged, your money has not been wasted.

I will look at this program in detail next month, after Kobrahsoft have a chance to get it to back up my copy of 'Where Time Stood Still' (which failed in their review version of the program) - new protection methods are constantly appearing, and this type of program needs continual updating to remain useful. The price of DB1 will be #12.95.


1. As I said in my 'phone conversation, my CRASH subscription expires after issue 60. My number, if it is of use, is CP506029.

2. Enclosed is a listing of the ZXPRINT program. I would quite like to see it used, having put two nights into writing it. Perhaps, if a second Tech Tape is produced, it should go on there, along with any other programs or updates since the first run.

3. Enclosed are a few letters that I do not think should have come to me - some are for Jon Bates (difficult to draw the line between us, maybe?).

4. I have received various items that are totally non-CRASH related. The latest is details of Nine Tiles LAN system for PC's, Atari's and Amiga's.

Normally I just ignore such things, but this time there is a note saying 'Perhaps I would like to cover??'. firstly, I am not sure what that means! Secondly, is it useful to print PC equipment details in CRASH?

5. Yes - see what you mean about the Tech Tips picture. Now I understand why Robin Candy gave up working for CRASH back in the old days. Can not something be done to remove this situation !?

6. Have contacted MGT & Sixword, to find out if they can offer any long-term loan of one of their interfaces, or whatever. Hope this is OK. Will let you know what comes of it.

Are there still any other disk interface suppliers active in the market that you know of? Maybe another round-up would be in order at some time?

7. Enclosed is the signed invoice.