To load, press LOAD "". Press PLAY on your
cassette recorder. The programme will now load
automatically. (The programme is recorded on both
sides of the tape. In case of difficulty, turn the tape
over, rewind to the beginning and load again.)

Joystick or Keyboard are selected automatically,
just press Fire to begin.
Keyboard Controls are: Q = Up, A = Down,
O = Left, P = Right, SPACE = Fire & ENTER to
select Weapon or Object to be carried or used.

There is only one way to kill Count Dracula, and
that is to drive a stake through his heart whilst he
sleeps in his coffin. But first you must find him.
How to protect yourself if you meet him whilst he
is awake. Where to find the stake and silver
hammer necessary to kill him. These and many
more problems must be overcome in your quest
to kill The Last Vampire.

You are armed with knives with which to protect
yourself against the pirates and vampire bats.
Also there are many useful items that can be
purchased, but first you must find some money.
Collect the gold and silver coins that the pirates
have dropped and, on entering the shop, you will
be offered a list of items for sale. Using the Enter
key, move the Selector Icon onto a vacant position
and, if you have sufficient money, you can
purchase the item required by pressing the
corresponding key. The Enter key can also be used
to drop/use or collect an object when the correct
position is selected. However, you can only carry
two items at a time. Always remember to re-select
the knife before trying to use it.


The items for sale are:-

The mortuary key:- unlocks the door to the

A large stake:-to drive into Dracula's heart whilst
in coffin.

A pungent garlic:- stops Dracula coming near
when used (re-usable).

A silver hammer:- used with stake (drop both in
mortuary when Dracula in coffin).

Unbearable cross:- drives Dracula away if used
when he is near.

A raspberry bun:- replenishes energy fully.

Two short planks:- automatically put into
position across stream to form a bridge.

With all this help, how can you fail.....easily?

This programme and artwork are the copyright of
Atlantis Software Limited. Copying, hiring, lending
or public performance is prohibited.

If you have written a good programme and would
like to discuss marketing, please write to:

Atlantis Software Limited
28 Station Road, London SE25 5AG


a ZX Spectrum emulator in Javascript

By Matt Westcott

Sound routines by Darren Coles

JSSpeccy homepage (including downloads and source code)

Based on Fuse by Philip Kendall et al. Icons from Nuvola by David Vignoni.

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.