NATIONAL EXTENSION COLLEGE 30 Hour BASIC (ZX Spectrum edition) Cassette tapes guide by Paul Shreeve How to find the programs on the tapes Firstly catalogue your programs. This will help you use the tapes more easily. - Set your tape recorder volume and tone controls to approximately half their maximum settings. - If not already at its start, rewind your tape. - Set your tape counter to zero. For each program - Note its starting tape counter reading. - Key LOAD "" (and ENTER) without a space between the quotes. This will load the next program on the tape. - Press the recorder play key. You will see the following sequence of events: The screen border areas of your television or monitor will flash alternately light blue and red whilst the computer is searching for a program. A short burst of red and light blue stripes will appear on the screen, followed by the program name. - Note the program name. Another short burst of red and blue stripes will be followed by a longer period of thinner blue and yellow stripes. This occurs when the computer is loading the program. When the program is successfully loaded, an 'OK' message appears on the screen. - Stop the tape. - If you wish to use the program, touch RUN followed by ENTER. - If you are cataloguing the tape, touch NEW followed by ENTER, to clear the computer's memory. You are now ready to use the same procedure to load the next program. In this manner, you can note the tape counter readings for all the programs on the two tapes. Once your cataloguing is complete, you can use the tapes more easily. Wind the required tape until the tape counter number is slightly less than the starting number of the program you require. Key LOAD "name" (and ENTER) then press play on your recorder. The computer responds with the searching and loading patterns as before. N.B. the name must be exactly right. "SU M" is not the same as "SUM". - If you have started too far back on the tape, other program names may come up on the screen. You can ignore these, as they won't be loaded. Once the computer has found your program it says: Program Name Wait until the 'OK' message appears on the screen. Then your program has been loaded. To load if you don't the name - Repeat the above but key LOAD "" (and ENTER) without a space between the quotes. Fed up? If a loading isn't working, or you find you are on the wrong part of the tape, hold down CAPS SHIFT and touch BREAK to stop the operation. Then touch NEW followed by ENTER. If you do not see exactly the pattern of loading explained in the cataloguing advice, the program will not load successfully. If you started the tape at the right place, this usually means that the tape recorder volume and tone settings are wrong. Try adjusting these until you find the optimum settings; make a note of these for future reference and ease of loading. CONTENTS UNIT and program numbers refer to the text of 30 Hour BASIC (ZX Spectrum edition). (Names in brackets are the names under which the programs are recorded on the tapes.) How to find the programs on the tapes. TAPE 1 UNIT 1 Program 11 SUM, difference, product and quotient of two numbers (SUM) Program 13 Temperature conversion (TEMP) UNIT 2 Program 1 Improved percentage program (PERCENT) Program 2 Percentage program for repeated use (P.REPEAT) Program 4 Percentage calculation with a terminating value (P.TERM) Program 12 Adding a counter to the percentage program (P.COUNT) Program 16 Cost of double glazing six windows (D.GLAZE) Program 17 Cost of double glazing N windows (D.GLAZE/N) Program 19 Compound interest (COMPINT) UNIT 3 Program 1 Printing strings (STRINGS) Program 2 Print layout (PRINT/A) Program 3 The computer asks the questions (QUESTION) Program 5 Printing strings and numbers (PRINT/B) Program 6 Data recording service (RECSERV) Program 7 Bank interview letter (BANK) Program 11 Telephone directory (TELDIR) Program 12 First in alpha order (FIRST/A) Program 15 Product enquiry letter (ENQ-LET) Program 17 First in alpha-order (FIRST/B) Program 18 Capitals quiz (CAPITALS) UNIT 4 Program 5 Reverse list program (REVERSE/A) Program 18 Using reverse a list (REVERSE/B) Program 22 Nested loops (LOOPS) Program 24 Finding the first item in alphabetical order (FIRST/C) Program 25 Printing odd numbered items from a list (ODDS) Program 26 Compound interest (CMPINT) Program 27 Squares and cubes (SQ/CUBE) Program 28 Multiplication tables (MULT) UNIT 5 Program 1 Measuring word lengths (LENGHT) Program 2 Counting with a list counter (COUNTER) Program 4 Drawing a frequency distribution (FREQ/A) Program 10 Frequency distribution (FREQ/B) Program 13 String test (STRTEST) Program 15 Date check (DATES) Program 16 Validated input (TIMESTAB) Program 19 Vowel frequency (VOWELS) Program 20 Left most character (LEFT) TAPE 2 UNIT 6 Program 6 100 tosses of a dice (DICE/A) Program 9 Coin toss (COINS) Program 11 Toss of 2 coins (TWOCOINS) Program 17 Throw 1 die 100 times (DICE/B) Program 18 Throw 2 dice 100 times (DICE/C) Program 19 Frequency diagram (FREQDIAG) Program 21 Simple code (CODE) Program 22 Random 3 letter words (WORDS) UNIT 7 Program 3 Coloured stripes (STRIPE) Program 4 Coloured messages (MESSAGE) Program 5 Coloured light (LIGHT) Program 12 Moving bus with road (BUS/A) Program 13 Blob drawing (BLOB) Program 18 Rainbow colours (RAINBOW) Program 21 Scale of C (SCALE) Program 23 London's burning (LONDON) Program 24 Darby Kelly (DARBY) Program 25 Bus with sound (BUS/B) UNIT 8 Program 1 Arithmetic mean (MEAN) Program 2 Max and min (MAX/MIN) Program 3 Squares, cubes, reciprocals (SCR) Program 13 Iterative square not with trace (ITERATE) Program 14 Average length (AVLENGHT) Program 15 Mean of 100 throws (MEANTHR) Program 17 Histogram (HISTOGRAM) Program 18 Reciprocals (RECIP) Program 21 Compound interest (INT) UNIT 9 Program 2 Sort routine (SORT) Program 4 Print subroutine in sort program (SORT/PRT) Program 5 Simulation of 'craps' (CRAPS) Program 6 Bisection search (SEARCH) Program 7 Reading data into an array (ARRAY) Program 9 Menu routine (MENU) Program 13 Submarine (SUB) 1200 baud edition, 1983 30 Hour BASIC (ZX Spectrum edition) is an introductory programming course written by Clive Prigmore (amended for the Spectrum by Paul Shreeve) and published by the National Extension College. The course is accompanied by two cassette tapes of the main programs in the course. These cassettes are also published by the National Extension College. (C)NATIONAL EXTENSION COLLEGE TRUST LIMITED 1981 ISBN 0 86082 410 1