Issue 2 - March 1998.

References :
1 - Z88 Service Manual - Issue 1, January 1985
(Prepared by BRAVEMAY for Cambridge Computer Ltd.)

2 - DMF690N Module Specification - 15/07/98
(Prepared by OPTREX, Approved by Cambridge Computer Ltd.)


  The Z88 is organized around four integrated circuits: the Z80 
microprocessor, a specialized gate-array called 'Blink', the ROM chip  
and a pseudo-static RAM chip. There are 8 connectors on the 
motherboard: the expansion connector, the serial port, 2 for keyboard 
connections, one for the LCD and 3 for the slot connectors.
  We will describe here the pinout, the usage with modifications if possible.

1 - Integrated circuits

This section will describe the four IC used in the Z88.
IC1 : the Z80 CPU
IC2 : the RAM
IC3 : the ROM
IC4 : the Blink
An additional part is devoted to the Flash EPROMs.

1.1 - The Z80 CPU

1.1.1 - Version

  The microprocessor is a standard Z80 running in CMOS 
version for low working and standby power consumption.
For Z88, 4MHz and 6MHz capable Z80 CMOS were used : Z84C004PSC or Z84C0006PSC.

1.1.2 - Pinout

  A11 |1    +--+   40| A10
  A12 |2           39| A9
  A13 |3           38| A8
  A14 |4           37| A7
  A15 |5           36| A6
  CLK |6           35| A5
   D4 |7           34| A4
   D3 |8           33| A3
   D5 |9           32| A2
   D6 |10  Z84C00  31| A1
  VCC |11    CPU   30| A0
   D2 |12          29| GND
   D7 |13          28| /RFSH
   D0 |14          27| /M1
   D1 |15          26| /RST
 /INT |16          25| /BUSRQ
 /NMI |17          24| /WAIT
/HALT |18          23| /BUSAK
/MREQ |19          22| /WR
/IORQ |20          21| /RD

1.1.3 - Clocks

Two clocks are driving the Z80. MCK, the master clock and SCK, the standby clock.
The MCK (3.2768 MHz) is generated by a 9.8304 Xtal to the Blink and divided by 3, given to the pin 6.
The SCK pulses at 25.6 KHz and is active on COMA state.

It is perhaps possible to overclock the Z80 if the Blink supports it!
Actually, we can find up to 20MHz Z80 CMOS CPU. I think that 8MHz would be reasonable.
But we must be sure that the LCD and the Blink will support these frequencies.
(not until I got the Blink datasheets)
There will probably be troubles with the Z88 clock... Interrupts will have to be rewritten...

1.1.4 - Interrupts

There are three pins for dealing with interruptions :
BUSRQ (Bus Request) : used for DMA (not connected on the Z88)
NMI (Non Maskable Interrupt) : Jumps to $0066 (BatLow, RTC...)
INT (Ordinary Interrupt) : used in mode 1 (IM1)

For dealing with the maskable interruptions (INT), the Z80 can be switch in three modes.
The interrupt mode 0 (IM0) : for 8080 compatibility
The interrupt mode 1 (IM1) : for non-zilog environnemt (our case)
The interrupt mode 2 (IM2) : for zilog environnement

On reset, OZ puts the Z80 in IM1. 
If interrupts are enabled via an OZ_EI, every INT signal jumps to $0038.
This routines deals with the keyboard, the bleep, the alarms...

1.2 - The RAM

1.2.1 - RAM types

  The serial chip is a NEC uPD42832C. This is a 32K pseudo-static RAM 
chip. These chips are like dynamic RAM but have the ability to retain 
data under a standby voltage (around 2V) with a self refresh circuitry.
  Dynamic RAM chip are incompatible. Static RAM chip can be use without 
any problem. The replacement is recommended because theyre power drain 
is very lowest (1/10 ratio).

1.2.2 - RAM socket

  The motherboard layout has 32 pins. It is tracked for a 128K chip. On 
issue 4 machine a 32K chip is soldier using the 28 low pins.

  POE |1    +--+   32| VCC
  A16 |2           31| A15
  A14 |3           30| VCC
  A12 |4           29| WE
  A7  |5           28| A13
  A6  |6           27| A8
  A5  |7    Z88    26| A9
  A4  |8    RAM    25| A11
  A3  |9    PCB    24| POE
  A2  |10          23| A10
  A1  |11          22| CE
  A0  |12          21| D7
  D0  |13          20| D6
  D1  |14          19| D5
  D2  |15          18| D4
  VSS |16          17| D3

This table describes the 128K chip pinout and Blink signals.

Pin	Chip	Blink	Pin	Chip	Blink
1	POE	POE	32	-	VCC
2	A16	MA16	31	A15	MA15
3	A14	MA14	30	[CS]	VCC
4	A12	MA12	29	[WE]	WRB
5	A7	MA7	28	A13	MA13
6	A6	MA6	27	A8	MA8
7	A5	MA5	26	A9	MA9
8	A4	MA4	25	A11	MA11
9	A3	MA3	24	[OE]	POE
10	A2	MA2	23	A10	MA10
11	A1	MA1	22	[CE]	IRCE (internal RAM chip enable)
12	A0	MA0	21	D7	MDH
13	D0	MDA	20	D6	MDG
14	D1	MDB	19	D5	MDF
15	D2	MDC	18	D4	MDE
16	VSS	GND	17	D3	MDD

1.2.3 - Internal RAM upgrade

  It is easily possible to upgrade the internal RAM to 128K. For a 512K 
upgrade some hardware modification are needed. The OZ version 4 is the 
only one able to recognize a 512K internal upgrade.
  For a 128K upgrade you can put a Toshiba TC551001 static RAM chip. It 
is very cheap (about £4). First, make a backup of your sensible files. 
Disassembly the box without batteries. Deconnect the two keyboard 
ribbons, the screen ribbon. Put your moterboard on a dry table without 
metal. Unsoldier the old chip. Soldier a 32 pins flat socket, Insert 
the new chip. You will have to cut some plastic structures (like an 
X) in the keyboard plastic support.

  For a 512K upgrade, you will have to wire the A17 and A18 pins with a 
link directly to address lines on a slot connector soldier. Only the OZ 
version 4 for UK is able to recognise an internal 512K upgrade.

  Replacing the old 42832 Rams will spare your battery life time. The 
slowest rams have less consumation (120 or 150 ns). For example :

Size	Chip Type	Speed	Power (mW)	Manufacturer
(K)		(ns)	Act/Stdby

32K  (PS)	uPD42832C	-15L (150)	220 / 2.75	Nec
128K (S)	TC551001BPL	-10L (100)	27.5/ 0.02	Toshiba
512K (S)	TC554001BPL	-70  (70)	50.0/ 0.30	Toshiba
128K (PS)	TC518128PL	-12  (120)	275 / 0.55	Toshiba
512K (PS)	TC518512PL	-10  (100)	275 / 1.00	Toshiba
128K (PS)	HM658128ALP			Hitashi
512K (PS)	HM658512LP			Hitashi
512K (S)	HM628512LP			Hitashi

(PS=Pseudo-static RAM chip, S=Static RAM chip)

1.3 - The ROM

1.3.1 - ROM types

  The serial rom chip is an UV eprom NEC uPD23C1000C for foreign OZ. 
The UK version may be an eprom chip for v2.2, the v3.0 supports exactly 
the same software but have been put in a ROM which have only 28 pins. 
The last v4.0 is fitted on an EPROM chip. The socket layout isn't 
standard according to the NEC standard (see below). If you wish to fit 
a new eprom, be very careful, pins 2 and 24 must be exchanged according 
to the JEDEC standard. Particulary if you want to use actual 128K Eprom 
chip, like 27C1001. In theory, you can fit larger eprom (like 27C2000 
or 27C4000) if you wire the addresses lines.

1.3.2 - ROM socket

The mother has 32 pins tracked to the NEC standard.

  VCC |1    +--+   32| VCC
  ROE |2           31| VCC
  A15 |3           30| VCC
  A12 |4           29| A14
  A7  |5           28| A13
  A6  |6           27| A8
  A5  |7    Z88    26| A9
  A4  |8    ROM    25| A11
  A3  |9    PCB    24| A16
  A2  |10          23| A10
  A1  |11          22| CE
  A0  |12          21| D7
  D0  |13          20| D6
  D1  |14          19| D5
  D2  |15          18| D4
  VSS |16          17| D3

This table describes the 128K chip pinout and Blink signals.

Pin	Chip	Blink	Pin	Chip	Blink
2	[OE]	ROE	31	[PGM]	VCC
3	A15	MA15	30	VCC	VCC
4	A12	MA12	29	A14	MA14
5	A7	MA7	28	A13	MA13
6	A6	MA6	27	A8	MA8
7	A5	MA5	26	A9	MA9
8	A4	MA4	25	A11	MA11
9	A3	MA3	24	A16	MA16
10	A2	MA2	23	A10	MA10
11	A1	MA1	22	[CE]	IPCE (Internal PROM chip enable)
12	A0	MA0	21	D7	MDH
13	D0	MDA	20	D6	MDG
14	D1	MDB	19	D5	MDF
15	D2	MDC	18	D4	MDE
16	VSS	GND	17	D3	MDD

1.4 - The BLINK gate array

  This private chip is a NEC uPD65031. It is CMS soldiered on the 
PCB. It manages the memory bank switching, the LCD, the serial port, 
the interrupts...
It is the heart of the machine. Actually we just know 
its pinout and the description of some registers. The conceptors have 
lost the original notes...

Pin	Chip	Z80	Pin	Chip
1	GND		52	VDD
2	VDD		53	GND
3	IOR	[IORQ]	54	MA16
4	CRD	[RD]	55	MA15
5	MRQ	[MREQ]	56	MA14
6	HLT	[HALT]	57	MA12
7	NMIB	[NMI]	58	MA7
8	INTB	[INT]	59	MA13
9	CDB	D1	60	MA6
10	ROUT	[RST]	61	MA8
11	CDA	D0	62	MA5
12	CMI	[MI]	63	WRB
13	CDH	D7	64	MA9
14	CDC	D2	65	MA4
15	CA0	A0	66	MA11
16	CDG	D6	67	MA3
17	CA1	A1	68	IPCE	(ROM.0 CE) 
18	CDF	D5	69	MA2
19	CA2	A2	70	MA10
20	CDD	D3	71	MA1
21	CA3	A3	72	MA0
22	CDE	D4	73	MDH
23	CA4	A4	74	MDA
24	CA5	A5	75	MDG
25	CA15	A15	76	MDB
26	CA6	A6	77	MDF
27	CA14	A14	78	MDC
28	GND		79	VDD
29	VDD		80	GND
30	CA13	A13	81	MDE
31	CA7	A7	82	MDD
32	CA8	A8	83	MA17
33	CA12	A12	84	MA18
34	CA9	A9	85	MAW(19)
35	CA11	A11	86	SE1	(slot1 CE)
36	CA10	A10	87	POE
37	TxD	(serial)	88	ROE
38	RCS	(serial)	89	PGMB	(PGM low)
39	IRCE	(RAM.0 CE)	90	EOE
40	GND		91	SE3	(slot3 CE)
41	RxD	(serial)	92	FLP	(flap)
42	CTS	(serial)	93	SE2	(slot2 CE)
43	DCD	(serial)	94	SNS	(sens line)
44	PN1	(display)	95	VPON	(VPP on)
45	LD	(display)	96	BTL	(Batt low)
46	FR	(display)	97	RIN
47	XSCL	(display)	98	MCK
48	LD0	(display)	99	SCK
49	LD1	(display)	100	SPKR	(speaker)
50	LD2	(display)
51	LD3	(display)

1.5 - The Flash Eproms

  The new Flash Eprom cards represent a new way for Z88 storage. Its 
main feature is an integrated electrical erasure. The prototype cards 
are built with an Intel 28F008SA and the serial cards uses the Intel 
28F008S5 (which is fastest). Theyre low relative cost make them the new 
media for 1 Megabyte application card and file storage.
  They have 44 pins in a PSOP format (0.5 mm between each pin). They 
are linked to the slot connector like standard eproms.

  VPP |1    +--+   44| VCC
  RP# |2           43| -
  A11 |3           42| A12
  A10 |4           41| A13
  A9  |5           40| A14
  A8  |6           39| A15
  A7  |7           38| A16
  A6  |8           37| A17
  A5  |9           36| A18
  A4  |10          35| A19
  -   |11  Intel   34| -
  -   |12  28F008  33| -
  A3  |13  SA/S5   32| -
  A2  |14          31| -
  A1  |15          30| WE#
  A0  |16          29| OE#
  D0  |17          28| -
  D1  |18          27| D7
  D2  |19          26| D6
  D3  |20          25| D5
  GND |21          24| D4
  GND |22          23| VCC
The table below describes the links between the edge connector and the chip.

Slot signal	Flash Signal
1  MA16		A16	38
2  MA15		A15	39
3  MA12		A12	42
4  MA7		A7	7
5  MA6		A6	8
6  MA5		A5	9
7  MA4		A4	10
8  MA3		A3	13
9  MA2		A2	14
10 MA1		A1	15
11 MA0		A0	16
12 MDA		D0	17
13 MDB		D1	18
14 MDC		D2	19
15 SNS
16 GND		GND	21
17 GND		GND	22
18 MA14		A14	40
19 VPP		VPP	1
20 VCC		VCC	44,23
21 VCC		-
22 PGM		WE#	30
23 MA13		A13	41
24 MA8		A8	6
25 MA9		A9	5
26 MA11		A11	3
27 POE		-
28 EOE		OE#	29
29 MA10		A10	4
30 SE3		CE#	43
31 MDH		D7	27
32 MDG		D6	26
33 MDD		D3	20
34 MDE		D4	24
35 MDF		D5	25
36 MA17		A17	37
37 MA18		A18	36
38 MA19		A19	35

Other pins:

Pin 1 : Vpp
Pin 23: Vcc
Pin 44: Vcc
Must be connected to a 100nF ceramic capacitor.

Pin 2 : RP# connected to VCC

NB: all the VCC and GND pins have to be connected.

2 - The Connectors

2.1 - SLOT connectors

  It is private format connector wiring 38 pins. They are devoted for 
memory addressing. Each slot is able to address 1024K. The slot 3 
present a Vpp (12V) line, useful for Eprom programming. Pseudo-static 
RAM, static RAM, EPROM and Flash EPROM can be used.

Slot	RAM/ROM	RAM/ROM	Eprom	Pins for	Pins for	Pins for
pins	Slot 1 	Slot 2	Slot 3	32K	128K	32K 
	Signals	Signals	Signals	EPROM	EPROM	RAM

   1	A16	A16	A16	-	24	-
   2	A15	A15	A15	-	3	-
   3	A12	A12	A12	2	4	2
   4	A7	A7	A7	3	5	3
   5	A6	A6	A6	4	6	4
   6	A5	A5	A5	5	7	5
   7	A4	A4	A4	6	8	6
   8	A3	A3	A3	7	9	7
   9	A2	A2	A2	8	10	8
  10	A1	A1	A1	9	11	9
  11	A0	A0	A0	10	12	10
  12	D0	D0	D0	11	13	11
  13	D1	D1	D1	12	14	12
  14	D2	D2	D2	13	15	13
  15	SNSL	SNSL	SNSL	-	-	-
  16	GND	GND	GND	14	16	14
  17	GND	GND	GND	14	16	14
  18	A14	A14	A14	27	29	1
  19	VCC	VCC	VPP	1	1	-
  20	VCC	VCC	VCC	28	32	-
  21	VCC	VCC	VCC	-	-	28
  22	WEL	WEL	PGML	-	31	-
  23	A13	A13	A13	26	28	26
  24	A8	A8	A8	25	27	25
  25	A9	A9	A9	24	26	24
  26	A11	A11	A11	23	25	23
  27	POE	POE	POE	-	-	22
  28	ROE	ROE	EOE	22	2 	-
  29	A10	A10	A10	21	23	21
  30	SE1	SE2	SE3	20	22	20
  31	D7	D7	D7	19	21	19
  32	D6	D6	D6	18	20	18
  33	D3	D3	D3	15	17	15
  34	D4	D4	D4	16	18	16
  35	D5	D5	D5	17	19	17
  36	A17	A17	A17	-	-	-
  37	A18	A18	A18	-	-	-
  38	A19	A19	A19	-	-	-

2.2 - The expansion port connector

  It is a standard 2.54mm double sided 48 pins male connector for 
expansion. It presents all the Z80 bus signals. On the issue 4 version, 
the flap has been sealed because expansion insertion may result in a 
crash due to static electricity.

	Component		P C B
	Side A 	Edge	Side B 

	GND	1	SNSL 	see below
	A11	2	+12v
	A12	3	A10
	A13	4	A9
	A14	5	A8
	A15	6	A7
	clock 	7	A6
	D4	8	A5
	D3	9	A4
	D5	10	A3
	D6	11	A2
	VCC	12	A1
	D2	13	A0
	D0	15	D7
	D1	16	M1L
	INTL	17	FLP 	(flap switch)
	slot	18 	slot
	MAWL	22	RESETL 	Resets Z88 (2 pulses required)
	-BT	23	SVCC 	5.4v while the machine is 'on.'

SNSL allows the machine to be automaticly placed into comotose state 
buy causing a 'power fail interupt' when an edge connector is plugged 
into to the expansion slot of the Z88.

2.3 - The Serial Port Connector

This is a DB9 male connector with a private pinout describe below.

Pin	Signal			Sens
1 - 	unswitched  +5v at 10 uA			output
2 TxD  	transmit data			output
3 RxD 	receive data			input
4 RTS 	ready to send			output 
5 CTS 	clear to send			input
6 -     	reserved for future use
8 DCD	data carrier detect			input
9 DTR	switched +5v  at 1mA 			output

Note : DTR is high when the machine is awake. The machine is always 
awake when the screen is active, but even if asleep the machine will 
wake every minute or so to carry out various housekeeping tasks, such 
as checking for alarms, and at these time DTR will go high. Pin 1 will 
show a signal if there is power available to the machine.

The PC DB9 female connector
2 RxD
3 TxD
9 -

The PC link cable

Z88	PC	Z88 (front view)		PC (front view)
	1 - 4
2 ---------	2	1 2 3 4 5		5 4 3 2 1
3 ---------	3	 6 7 8 9		 9 8 7 6
4 ---------	8
5 ---------	7
7 ---------	5
8 - 9

2.4 - The keyboard connectors

  The keyboard is just 8 * 8 matrix between the Z80 address and data 
buses. It is connected on SK6 and SK7. In theory it is possible to 
replace the membrane by a PCB with mechanical keys (and resistors in 
serial). The rubber keyboard technology seems to consume a lot of 

SK6 signals		SK7 signals
1	A14		1	D5
2	A15		2	D4
3	A13		3	D3
4	A12		4	D1
5	A11		5	D7
6	A10		6	D0
7	A9		7	D6
8	A8		8	D2

Keyboard matrix (for the QWERTY UK)

A15 A14 A13 A12 A11 A10 A09 A08
2   1   3   4   5   6   7   8

RSH HLP [   ]   -   =   \   DEL    5   D7
ESC TAB 1   2   3   4   5   6      1   D5
INX DIA Q   W   E   R   T   Y      2   D4
CAP MEN A   S   D   F   G   H      3   D3
.   ,   Z   X   C   V   B   N      8   D2
/   ;   L   M   K   J   U   7      4   D1
£   "   0   P   9   O   I   8      6   D0

  There are two issues for the keyboard membrane : a red one, the 
first, and the green one which is the last and the most common. The 
first issue (red) seems to be often unreliable with a lot of short 
circuits which sends a lot of unexpected characters... It is impossible 
to repair them. The green issues are very good. I have got mine since 
ten years and I am actually typing on it...

  The keyboard is probably the only part with which you encountered 
troubles. You can keep the same for all your life if you think to clean 
the contacts sometimes. After a long time, some carbon particle 
agglomerate on the membrane and generate short-circuits. The 
only thing to do is to clean the contact surfaces with some 
alcohol. Unscrew the case, deconnect the keyboard ribbons. Pull out the 
rubber and be very careful of the three slot. Clean all the keys 
surfaces on the rubber and the membrane with a tissue with a few 
standard alcohol (90°). Dry it before reassembling. Do it carefully 
especially on the cursor, tab, diamond, square, enter and shift keys. 

2.5 - The LCD connector

  The most common LCD module is the DMF690N produced by OPTREX. 
Some previous versions exist, with more failure and less contrast.
This unit has its own PCB.
The LCD panel is a dot matrix of 640*64 pixels, the NRD7482.
It is driven by nine CMS chips.
One SED1610 : a 86 lines driver and eight SED1600 : 80 rows dirvers.
Another IC is devoted to voltage generation.

  The module is connected by a special ribbon with 14 links on SK5.

Ribbon signals:
14 is the left one, 1 is on the right in top view.

Pin	Symbol	Level	Function
1	VDD	-	Base supply (0V)
2	VSS	-	Power supply for Logic
3	VLCD	-	Power supply for LCD driving
4	LP	H>L	Date Latch signal
5	FR	H/L	Alternate signal for LCD driving
6	YDIS	L	Display off signal
7	NC	-	No connection
8	DIN	H	Frame signal
9	XSCL	H>L	Clock signal for shifting serial data
10	NC	-	No connection
11	D0	H/L	Display data
12	D1	H/L	Display data
13	D2	H/L	Display data
14	D3	H/L	Display data

All of these signals are directly managed by the blink. It builts the screen by
reading directly in the memory the different character set and screen base.
The cursor is hardware managed too.


There is still a lot of thinks to do to improve the Z88 hardware:
- IR serial interface
- mechanical keyboard
- overclocked Z80 CPU
- small integrated supply with NiMH battery charger
- video interface
- A/D and D/A converter interface
- ...

I'll translate the Z88 service manual from paper to a 
file as soon as possible.

Thanks to Chris Morris for the LCD datasheets.

I'm still searching the BLINK datasheets.  

For anything about Z88 dont hesitate to contact me at :

Thierry Peycru (Zlab), March 1998.