Z88 Developers' Notes
Contents   Contents of System Calls

GN_Lab, link an alarm block into the alarm chain

RST 20H, DEFW $6C09


     BHL = pointer to alarm block (to be linked). Must have been
     previously allocated by GN_Aab.
OUT, if call successful:
     Fc = 0
OUT, if call failed:
     Fc = 1, time/date already passed
     A = error code:
          RC_BAD ($04), bad parameters
Registers changed after return:
     ..BCDEHL/IXIY same
     AF....../.... different
A badly formed block is likely to crash the machine. The routine does not check the vality of the alarm block.

Related calls:

GN_Aab, allocate alarm block
GN_Alp, process an expired alarm (internal OZ usage)
GN_Fab, free alarm block
GN_Uab, unlink an alarm block from the alarm chain
OS_Alm, alarm manipulation (internal OZ usage)