Several Companies that produced ZX Spectrum software are still in business, and many authors maintain their own websites. Often,
these contain some interesting insights into the way the games were developed, the industry at the time, etc. The following is a short
list of the known and verified sites that may be of interest to you:
- The Bird Sanctuary
This site chronicles the history of Firebird and Rainbird Software, both owned by Telecomsoft. Many original staff members have contributed
information to the site, maintained by Richard Hewison, and very
comprehensive titles lists are provided. Sections related to Odin Computer Graphics (previously Thor) and Beyond Software are also
- The Shaw Brothers
The Shaw Brothers developed many well-known games for the ZX Spectrum, each of which is documented on their very
comprehensive web site. A large number of loading-screens, magazine reviews and background information is provided, and
many titles can be played online.
The Shaw Brothers recently released a new title - "Hop 'n' Chop" via the
Cronosoft label. Additional titles are scheduled for release shortly.
- Philip and Andrew Oliver
Famous for the popular 'Dizzy' character games, which encourage debate even today, the Oliver Twins describe their
careers in detail on their website, with links to fan sites. Please note that Codemasters,
who still hold copyright on the Dizzy games, have requested that their software not be distributed on the internet. If you currently have this
software available for download at your site, please respect their wishes and remove it.
- Delta 4
Delta 4 produced some very highly regarded games for the ZX Spectrum, which are described in the 'softography' section of the site.
Some company, programmer and game history is provided, along with a description of recent development projects.
- Sandy White
Ant Attack (Quicksilva) was one of the most popular early ZX Spectrum titles; the original developer, Sandy White, discusses the development
of the game, and provides some interesting insight into the techniques he used. A guestbook is available, which Sandy often posts replies to.
- Robin Thompson
Robin Thompson wrote "Rentakill Rita" (1986) and "Molecule Man" (1986), both published by Mastertronic. Robin is developing a remake of Molecule Man
for Linux or Microsoft Windows (both currently available as v0.91). Source code is available as a separate download. Screenshots of both the new and
original versions are available.
- Kevin Toms
Kevin Toms, author of one of the most popular games from the early days of Sinclair computing - Football Manager - has a site describing his old projects
and current activities.
- Jonathan Smith ("Joffa Smifff")
Details of each game Jonathan wrote or contributed to are provided, as are links to many reviews from magazines such as Crash. In addition to
information about these games, the site includes details of titles for other platforms Jonathan was/is involved with, original artwork, etc.
- Matthew Smith
Programming legend Matthew Smith has a small web site. Not updated recently, but worth checking periodically just in case.
- Jon Ritman
Programmer of several popular games durning the 1980s, including Match Day, Match Day II, Head over Heels and Batman. Cover scans and a little history
of each title Jon worked on can be downloaded.
- Sinclair Research
Sinclair Reseach has a small web site where you can purchase some of their current products. Also listed is a link to the only official distributor for C5 parts
in the world.
- Zenobi Software
Zenobi Software produced some of the most popular titles available for the ZX Spectrum. Until recently, distribution of these titles was denied,
although some are now available from the TZX Vault and the
World of Spectrum. The full collection is also available directly from Zenobi on CD.