Magazine : Popular Computing Weekly (English)
Issue : 29
Date: Date: 19/7/1984
Volume: 3
Medium : Paper
Updated On : 2020-06-04 01:42:51
- Classified -unspecified title - Four fantastic machine-code adventures for the 48K Spectrum (M Murphy) 42
- Classified Friendly Face 42
- Classified Raquel 42
- Classified Gissa Kiss 42
- Classified -Mancomp 43
- Classified -Micro-Serv 43
- Classified -Enfield Communications 43
- Classified Graphics and Sound Toolkit 43
- Classified -TV Services of Cambridge 43
- Classified -Sunshine Books 44
- Classified -IG Programs 44
- Advert High Noon 2
- Advert Gilligan's Gold 2
- Full-page ad Hareraiser 4
- Advert Laser Snaker 6
- Full-page ad Factory Breakout 6
- Advert Hangman + Bounce Panic 6
- Full-page ad -Mirrorsoft - New from MIRRORSOFT 8
- Advert Caesar the Cat 8
- Full-page ad Games '84 9
- Full-page ad Games '84 9
- Full-page ad -Interceptor Micros 13
- Advert Quill, The 14
- Advert Coursewinner 18
- Advert Poolswinner 18
- Advert -Kentech 18
- Advert -Software Library 22
- Advert -Shards Software 22
- Full-page ad Football Manager - not a Spectrum advert 24
- Full-page ad Football Manager - not a Spectrum advert 24
- Advert Deathchase 27
- Advert Codename MAT 27
- Full-page ad Full Throttle 27
- Full-page ad Full Throttle 27
- Advert Deathchase 27
- Full-page ad Sabre Wulf 28
- Advert Titanic 31
- Advert Micro Adventurer 33
- Advert -Sunshine Books 37
- Advert Astrocalc 37
- Advert -Spectrum Software Club 37
- Advert Working Spectrum, The 39
- Advert ZX Spectrum Astronomy 39
- Advert Machine Code Applications for the ZX Spectrum 39
- Advert Master Your ZX Microdrive 39
- Advert Spectrum Adventures 39
- Full-page ad RamTurbo Interface 40
- Full-page ad -Automata - To Absent Friends 52