Magazine : Popular Computing Weekly (English)
Issue : 37
Date: Date: 15/9/1983
Volume: 2
Medium : Paper
Updated On : 2020-06-04 01:42:51
- Classified Valhalla 1
- Classified Valhalla 1
- Offer Androids 45
- Offer Blind Alley 45
- Offer Cruising on Broadway 45
- Offer Swordfight at Midnight 45
- Offer Galaxy Attack 45
- Classified -Video Galaxy 50
- Classified -Vyajy's H-K 51
- Classified Raquel 51
- Classified 64 Print 52
- Classified ZX-Text 52
- Classified -Rule Computers 52
- Classified Kopykat 52
- Classified Key, The 52
- Classified Autokopy 52
- Classified -Soft Machine 52
- Classified Chemistry 53
- Classified Physics 53
- Classified -Sunshine Books 53
- Classified -Phoenix Software Centre 54
- Classified -5D Software 54
- Full-page ad Super Spy 2
- Full-page ad 3-Deep Space 4
- Full-page ad -Finsbury Computer Centre 6
- Full-page ad Black Crystal 8
- Full-page ad Black Crystal 8
- Full-page ad -Carnell Software - Volcanic Dungeon + Black Crystal 8
- Full-page ad Volcanic Dungeon 8
- Full-page ad Volcanic Dungeon 8
- Full-page ad California Gold Rush 14
- Full-page ad -Micro-Management 15
- Full-page ad -Fox Electronics 18
- Full-page ad Joystick & interface 22
- Advert Games Designer 23
- Advert Games Designer 23
- Advert Frog Run 26
- Advert Tiny Tot's Seven 26
- Advert Galactic Abductors 26
- Advert Slap Dab 26
- Full-page ad Missile Defence 26
- Full-page ad -Anirog Software - Missile Defence + Slap Dab + Galactic Abductors + Frog Run + Tiny Tot's Seven 26
- Advert Horace and the Spiders 29
- Full-page ad -Melbourne House - Here Comes Horace! 29
- Advert Hungry Horace 29
- Advert Horace Goes Skiing 29
- Advert Haunted Hedges 30
- Advert Luna Crabs 30
- Full-page ad -Psion Computing - The Best Software On Earth Comes From Psion 31
- Advert Jumbly 34
- Advert Delta-RAM Kit (16k->48k) 34
- Full-page ad Joystick interface - programmable 36
- Advert Working Spectrum, The 38
- Full-page ad -Sunshine Books - 2 cassettes & 2 books from Sunshine 38
- Advert Blind Alley 38
- Advert Cruising on Broadway 38
- Advert Pool 39
- Advert Forth 39
- Advert Usurper 39
- Advert Forth 39
- Advert Adventure 1 39
- Advert Mazeman 39
- Advert Wizard's Warriors, The 39
- Advert Spectroid Storm 39
- Advert Wizard's Warriors, The 39
- Advert Intermediate Maths 1 42
- Advert Evictor 42
- Advert Diamond Trail 42
- Advert Time Port 1 42
- Advert Quill, The 42
- Advert -Oltrosoft 42
- Advert Intermediate English 1 42
- Advert Jet Pac 44
- Advert Pssst! 44
- Advert Tranz Am 44
- Advert Cookie 44
- Advert Joystick interface - programmable 46
- Advert Apocalypse 46
- Advert Apocalypse 46
- Full-page ad Cassette 50 48
- Advert -Sinclair Owners Software Library - Softenk (Irish branch) 50
- Advert -Avalon Computing 51
- Advert Professional Blackjack 51
- Advert Cube Simulator 52
- Advert -Rochester Software and Computer Centre 52
- Advert Reversi 52
- Advert -PM Software 52
- Advert Mimic 2 52
- Advert Technical Graphics Drawing 52
- Advert Adventure 1 52
- Advert Yartzi 52
- Advert Maths 52
- Advert Nosey + Copyall Kopykat 52
- Advert Hangman 53
- Advert Basic Maths 53
- Advert French Vocabulary 53
- Advert -Software Exchange Centre 54
- Advert -EPROM Services 54
- Advert -Friendly Software Hire 55
- Advert Yahtcee 56
- Advert Zodiac 1 56
- Advert Star Soccer 56
- Advert -Games Centre 56
- Full-page ad -Automata - Piman Expands 60