Magazine : Popular Computing Weekly (English)
Issue : 49
Date: Date: 8/12/1983
Volume: 2
Medium : Paper
Updated On : 2020-06-04 01:42:51
- Classified Valhalla 1
- Classified Valhalla 1
- Classified Brag 61
- Classified -Vyajy's H-K 61
- Classified Speedyload 61
- Classified Splat! 61
- Classified Kopykat 61
- Classified Raquel 61
- Classified Super Snooker 62
- Classified Dartscore + Balance 62
- Classified -Discount Software 62
- Classified -David Shack Software 62
- Classified Syphax 62
- Classified Semaphore Tutor 62
- Classified Robot Panic 62
- Classified House of Cards 62
- Classified -Phoenix Software Centre 62
- Classified Lord of the Underworld 62
- Classified Keydefine 62
- Classified -Sunshine Books 63
- Classified -Lancashire Micros 63
- Classified -Dream Software 63
- Classified -Soft Machine 63
- Two-page ad -Automata 72
- Full-page ad Learn BASIC Programming on the ZX Spectrum 4
- Advert Pssst! 6
- Advert Tranz Am 6
- Advert Cookie 6
- Advert Atic Atac 6
- Advert Lunar Jetman 6
- Advert Jet Pac 6
- Full-page ad Invincible Island 8
- Advert Archimedes Magic Screw 9
- Advert -Hieromans Dell 9
- Advert -Last Chance 9
- Advert -Dragon Byte 9
- Advert Denis through the Drinking Glass 9
- Advert Echo Amplifier 12
- Advert Joystick interface - programmable 12
- Full-page ad Valhalla 13
- Full-page ad Valhalla 13
- Full-page ad SCOPE 14
- Advert Supercode 21
- Advert Macro Construction and Animation 21
- Advert Joystick interface Mk.1&2 22
- Full-page ad -MFM Data Services 23
- Full-page ad Cassette 50 26
- Full-page ad Joystick interface - programmable 28
- Full-page ad -Mirrorsoft - More than fun and games! 30
- Advert Quick Thinking! 30
- Advert First Steps with the Mr Men - coming soon ... 30
- Advert Master Your ZX Microdrive 34
- Advert Jericho Road 36
- Advert Centimunch 42
- Advert Spectral Repeat 43
- Advert Ampera 43
- Advert Omega Run 43
- Advert Spectrum Safari 44
- Advert Tasman Printer Interface 44
- Advert TasWide 44
- Advert -Games Centre 46
- Advert Extended BASIC 46
- Advert Oh Mummy! 46
- Advert Gorgon 48
- Advert Magic Mountain 48
- Advert Pharaoh's Tomb 48
- Advert Knight's Quest, The 48
- Advert -National Software Library 48
- Advert Black Planet, The 48
- Advert -Your Computer Christmas Fair 50
- Advert -Fountain Computers 52
- Advert Spectrum-Stick 52
- Advert Poolswinner 52
- Advert Spectrealm 52
- Advert Superplan Pack 2 - Home Computing 54
- Advert Superplan Pack 1 - Business Applications 54
- Advert Superplan Generator 54
- Advert -Soft Touch 54
- Advert Ball by Ball 54
- Advert Superdraw 54
- Advert Day of the Match 54
- Advert Superview 54
- Full-page ad -Finsbury Computer Centre 56
- Advert Sprite Graphics 60
- Advert -Iscom 60
- Advert Diamond Trail 67
- Advert Magic Castle 67
- Advert Time-Line + Tasks 67
- Advert Quill, The 67
- Full-page ad -Automata - Santa Claus, looking for ideas for presents 72