  • OR: elite | ocean
  • NOT: ocean -hellas you can also use ocean !hellas
  • Phrase: "Monty Goes Running"
  • Starts With: ^imagine
  • Ends With: systems$

Tom Prosser

Name : Tom Prosser

Software Role Publisher Type Year
Brainstorm (Unknown) Bubble Bus Software Arcade: Maze 1985
Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stone (Unknown) Storm Software [2] Arcade: Gang beat-em-up 1991
The Ice Temple (Unknown) Bubble Bus Software Arcade: Adventure 1986
Joe Blade III (Unknown) Players Premier Arcade: Adventure 1989
Prison Riot (Unknown) Players Premier Arcade: Adventure 1990
Spooked (Unknown) Players Premier Arcade: Platform 1989
Curse of the Crown (Unknown) Bubble Bus Software Adventure: Text 1988