  • OR: elite | ocean
  • NOT: ocean -hellas you can also use ocean !hellas
  • Phrase: "Monty Goes Running"
  • Starts With: ^imagine
  • Ends With: systems$

Title : ROMIT

Publisher : Simon Everest

Release Year: 1987

No. Players: 1

Entry Type: Arcade: Shoot-em-up

Machine Type: 48K

Availability: Available

  • Kempston

Comments: Simon: "I wrote this game in 1987, and I originally intended to sell this to Micronet 800 (I had previously sold some pretty basic games to them earlier that year) but for some reason didn't, I can't remember why. To be honest, it probably fell between the cracks of being too good to sell to Micronet 800 for a few quid but not really good enough for a full budget game release by 1987."

Updated On : May 26, 2020

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