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For example, if you want to link to the game Abu Simbel Profanation, use this link:
<a href="https://worldofspectrum.org/infoseek?q=Abu+Simbel+Profanation">
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Since a title can also change, when we find out it is not 100% correct, it may even be better (and it's simpler, too) to link to the query by database id, e.g.
<a href=" https://www.worldofspectrum.org/infoseekid.cgi?id=0000048 ">
for Abu Simbel Profanation. You can obtain these direct links from the entry itself, as the Full title is a self-referencing link.
Notice that links by database id can be made for any item, be it software, hardware or books.
Maybe. Maybe not. :)
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Probably because you've been using up valuable WoS bandwidth by leeching. If so, wait a day or two and the restrictions should have been lifted. If you genuinely believe you've been banned unfairly or without any apparent reason, get in touch with Lee.
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The Sinclair F.A.Q. is an information repository that serves to explain every last known detail about the Sinclair range of computers (ZX81 to +3). You will find much technical stuff in there and even some lesser known details of the inner workings of the Spectrum in there. The complete details of the different tape formats may be found in it too. The F.A.Q. is no longer maintained.