  • OR: elite | ocean
  • NOT: ocean -hellas you can also use ocean !hellas
  • Phrase: "Monty Goes Running"
  • Starts With: ^imagine
  • Ends With: systems$

Colin Carruthers

Name : Colin Carruthers

Software Role Publisher Type Year
Time Switch (Unknown) Your Computer Adventure: Text 1983
Maze [1] (Unknown) Your Computer Arcade: Maze 1983
Jack and the Beanstalk (Unknown) Your Computer Adventure: Text 1984
Machine Status (Unknown) Your Computer Programming: BASIC 1983
Maths Master (Unknown) Your Computer Utility: Maths/Science 1985
Tape to Microdrive (Unknown) Your Computer Utility: Copy/Backup 1985
Maths Package (Unknown) ZX Computing Utility: Maths/Science 1984