  • OR: elite | ocean
  • NOT: ocean -hellas you can also use ocean !hellas
  • Phrase: "Monty Goes Running"
  • Starts With: ^imagine
  • Ends With: systems$

George E. Hoyle

Name : George E. Hoyle

Software Role Publisher Type Year
The Balrog and the Cat (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1988
Behind Closed Doors 4: Balrog's Day Out (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1989
Brian: The Novice Barbarian (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1994
The Emerald Elf (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1995
A Fistful of Necronomicons (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1995
Trouble with Trolls (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1996
Seaside Sorcery (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1997