  • OR: elite | ocean
  • NOT: ocean -hellas you can also use ocean !hellas
  • Phrase: "Monty Goes Running"
  • Starts With: ^imagine
  • Ends With: systems$

Laurence Creighton

Name : Laurence Creighton

Software Role Publisher Type Year
Behold Atlantis (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1991
The Bermuda Triangle (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1991
Beyond El Dorado (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1995
Curse of Calutha (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1991
Eclipse (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1991
Flameout (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1994
The Golden Pyramid (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1991
Impact! (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1992
Laskar's Crystals (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1992
Laskar's Return (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1996
The Legacy (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1990
Lost in Time (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1993
The Lost Temple (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1990
Marooned (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1992
Meltdown (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1993
The Mummy's Crypt (Unknown) Laurence Creighton Adventure: Text 1992
There's a Bomb Under Parliament (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1991
The Treasure of the Santa Maria (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1991
The Well of Zol (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1994
The Fourth Dimension (Unknown) Laurence Creighton Adventure: Text 1989
Going Critical (Unknown) Adventure Probe Software Adventure: Text 1998
Moonquake (Unknown) Laurence Creighton Adventure: Text 1989
The Fire Ruby (Unknown) Zenobi Software Adventure: Text 1997
Publisher Name Role From To
Laurence Creighton Owner